Chapter 6.2

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  • Dedicated to Bennel Duncan

I first want to say sorry for the long long hiatus in my writing.  I am l working through some issues but I think I am in a place now where I can start writing again. Thank you everyone for there patience support and well wishes. It meant the world to me.

Enjoy the second half of chapter 6.


Chapter 6.2

Alexi heard the snick of the lock and snapped out of his frozen state of shock and anger over his cousin’s behaviour. He was not that proud of his behaviour either. He knew he should have taken his time with her, but the flood of passion overwhelmed his senses and took over his common sense.  Gracie was so different for all the other women he had been with. So sensual yet untried. Innocent of the taint and games usually played in relationships.  Brushing aside the slight feeling of guilt Alexi strode over to the bathroom with the thought of talking to Gracie, convincing her that they had not been doing anything wrong, but a sound stopped him. He paused straining to see if he could hear the sound again.  A few pained heart beats later he heard it, a slight sniffle, a definite sign of distress that could not be ignored.  She should not be crying, Alexi thought feeling the tiny pin pricks of guilt creeping over him. Alexi stayed quiet on the other side of the door listening to Gracie and then walked towards the door with conviction, he needed to fix this.

Gracie stayed curled up against the bathroom door for what felt like hours.  The chill of the marble tiles sinking in to her skin making her wish she could magic clothes into existence just so she could get dresses. Maybe a burka she thought looking down at the skimpy towel covering her. That way i can avoid being seen and getting in to any more embarrassing situations. Gently knocking her head against the sturdy wooden door Gracie cringes again replaying the embarrassment over in her head. Getting caught, kissing her boss, in a towel. She feels the hot prickle of tears threaten again as she remembers the laughter, it did not matter that she can’t speak the language. Cruel mocking laughter is a translates universally. Continuing to bang her had against the door Gracie jumps back a little when someone on the other side knocks back with a few short sharp almost musical raps.

“Hello, Gracie?” a very soft female voice asks, “are you OK in there.”

The voice pauses for a second and then continues. “My name is Athena, Alexi sent me in here to check up on you. You don’t have to worry its just you and me in the room. Alexi told me that you had a brief run-in with our dear cousin Cesar. Don’t worry about that, he is a toad to everyone. If we could have gotten away with it as children, some of the other cousins and I would have tied him up and rowed him far from shore in our dingy, and dumped him in the ocean to drown. We always got caught in the first stages of plotting.”

“Umm, Hi” Gracie hesitantly says, not sure where this whole conversation is going.

“Well that’s good, you can talk” Athena chuckles to her self. “I was starting to worry you had done your self some brain injury with all that banging and we would have to call a doctor. Either that or I was in fact talking to my self and you had escaped and you were running around outside trying to kill Cesar. I would help you with that.”

“Umm, well, NO. Well just no.” Gracie said just shaking her head.

“Is that the only thing you can say,” Athena asked. “Should I really be getting a doctor? Are you stuck in some sort of loop?  Doomed to say NO to everything forever. Denying yourself and other every pleasure life has to offer.  That means even chocolate would be denied to you. To life a life without chocolate is... is, ” She lamented, each word dripping with drama and suspense. Gracie had heard people speak like that in some of her favourite awful melodramas. Gracie then heard a long mournful drawn out, “NOOOOOOO,” finishing the sentence, almost similar to a dog howling at a passing car, that slowly faded out. Gracie opened the bathroom door a crack to see what was going on. In front of her she saw a very cute girl kneeling on the very plush carpet by the bed with her body facing the door leaning back slightly with her face and a fist tilting up to the sky shaking her hand dramatically in a typical pose of extreme anger and grief that was often used in all of the truly awful melodramas. 

Gracie gave a small snort at fist, then a chuckle that built up in to a full fledged belly holding laugh. Athena joined her. Loosing her grip on the pose she had taken on the floor and rolling about laughing.

“You should be claiming eternal vengeance on all of your enemies family and then the decedents of your enemy even the friends, pets and live stock of your enemy and vow to wipe them from the face of existence now.” Gracie said. Loving the idea that someone else watched and enjoyed the same rubbish TV as her.  

“I can’t do that,” chuckled Athena, “that would include me. And Cesar really is the only bad pill in the bunch of us. He isn’t really a Papadakis his mother married one of our uncles he was a child from her first marriage and he came to us a spoiled only child and just got viler as he got older.” Sitting up and getting her breath back Athena holds her hand out to Gracie.

“Let me introduce my self again. My name is Athena and I am one of Alexi’s younger cousins but you can call me Atty like everyone else.” You can easily hear the smile in her voice and see the spark of mischief lighting up her eyes.

“Nice to meet you to my name is Gracie,” Atty’s smile and demeanour were infectious. Gracie can already feel the pressure and stress lifting of her shoulder and the other girls vibrant cheeriness. 

“Now we need to get you dressed and ready miss, the party should be starting soon and I want to get the chance to introduce you to all the fun people before all the aunties swoop in and try and devour you.”

“Why would they want to devour me” Squeaks Gracie gripping the towel slightly closer to her breast the smile on her face dropping slightly.

“They want to eat you liver with fava beans and a nice chianti, and then crack open your skull to make a nice soup.” She said wile waving her fingers towards Gracie and recreating the Hannibal Lector hissing noise. “No, really they just want to see Alexi’s lady love. Most of them thought he would keep his bachelor lifestyle for ever after the witch was through with him, not that I would blame him. I would be ubber bitter in his situation.”

“Oww, umm, yeah...” Gracie awkwardly mutters hanging her head slightly. She had never been good at lying. That dam blush of hers was a dead give away and she never like lying to good people. She felt the burden of being Alexi fake fiancée sink upon her shoulders again and she felt herself tense up.

“NO, No, No! That just wont do!!” said Atty with passion springing up and towards Gracie.  Thinking that Gracie must be nervous about being compared to Alexi’s past conquest.“Don’t even think of that other incident in Alexis past, he loves you now. Taking one of her hands and alternately leading and pulling her closer to her suitcase Attty continues to chatter on. “ don’t even think of the that other stuff we will find you something nice and floaty to wear and we will dance the night away until our feet hurt and we cant stand any more.”  With a small skip and a jump upon reaching Atty reaches Gracie’s suitcase and starts to dig through with no reservation.

“It is so nice to have a girl close to my own age. Most of the cousins are male so we are going to have fun tonight. Alexi is not getting you back till the break of dawn.”

All Gracie could think was good. After the recent embarrassment maybe putting some distance between them would be a good thing. Help put things in to perspective.

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