Chapter 5

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Sorry I have taken so long in updating, family issues. I hope you enjoy this chaper and please remember to Fan Vote Share and Comment!!        

        The flight went by in a flash. Gracie was surprisingly comfortable with being forced in to the lap of luxury. What girl wouldn’t be she thought.  I am directly living through all of my golden era Hollywood dreams. She had been escorted directly from the car in to a plush ten seater private jet. For the first time Gracie truly understood the meaning of being waited on hand and foot. And what a glorious phrase that was. She had no idea where it had come from but WOW did she love the version today. She had been bowed in to the plane like she was royalty. Each of the jets seats were the same size as her love seat at home and three times more comfortable. The food served on board was better than some of the best restaurants she had eaten in before this wild ride had started. It was all WOW just WOW. She spent most of the flight slack jawed and unable to sleep.  She had wanted to but the flight the luxury and being seated next to her sex god boss made that impossible.

                Gracie walked through the rest of the day like a zombie swathed in luxury. When the captain announced that they were landing in Athens Gracie looked out the window in shock. It occurred to her she should have asked exactly where they were going long ago, but it had never really occurred to her to question him. After the four hour flight Gracie was looking forward to a rest but that was just wishful thinking. She was hustled straight in to the back seat of a helicopter while Alexi jumped in the front next to the pilot. The view was amazing and she spent the next two hours slack jawed struggling to try and absorbed everything that her brain was being bombarded with. The simple beauty of the long stretches of crystal blue ocean was stunning to observe. Gracie stayed silent during the entire helicopter ride listening to Alexi and the pilot talk back and forth in Greek.  She felt extremely isolated and she had a building sense of dread about he entire situation.

                Usually when I says its all Greek to me it just means that they are talking about something math related. Gracie thought, now that it is really all Greek I do not find the phrase nearly as funny. The helicopter slowly started its decent circling around a small jewel of an island. Small patches of gleaming orange and red roof showed a few houses that faced off in to the sea.  The white walls shimmering like pearls blinding against the sun. Little coves of bright sandy beaches clung to the shore line occasionally pressed up against towering cliff faces.  All of this surrounded by lush greenery and outlined with strips of black and brown ribbons traced through the landscape for the roads and pathways. Alexi turned to her and announced over the speaker system that they would be landing in a few minuets. The helicopter slowly circled a beautiful sprawling property. A large green orchid backed on to a beautiful two story house buried slightly in to the cliff side. Most of the views out faced the ocean and a wood path lead down to a private enclosed beach.  It was the stuff of fantasies.  A little off to the side away from the house the helicopter was circling down to its own pad.

                “WOW,” said Gracie. “It’s all so...” the rest of her words were ripped away by the noise and the force of the still rotating helicopter blades.

                Alexi quickly unbuckled him self from the front helicopter seat and came around to the back to open the door and help Gracie out. Quickly unbuckling her Alexi put took her hand and careful helped her down guiding her away from the helicopter. The force of the wind played merry havoc with her long loose locks of hair pulling them in too disarray. Alexi and Gracie stooped down and hurried away from the aircraft. Alexi guided them both towards the wide patio the surrounded the base of the house. They were greeted by a small round woman dressed all in black.  Alexi immediately doubled himself over in order to lean down and kiss both of her cheeks and give the woman a massive hug slightly lifting her up off of her feet. They both starting speaking to each other in short bursts of Greek. Gracie could tell from the smile on the woman’s face and the obvious affection in Alexi body language that there was a lot of caring between the two of them. 

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