Chapter 05: Going To The Doctors.

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        Back to Annabeth's P.O.V.
     Today Percy and I were going to the doctor to see how the baby was doing. To be honest, I want to get married before the baby came. Percy he'd think about it, then smiled and winked. I smiled back. After about twenty minutes of sitting in the waiting room, a doctor called out:
     "Mr. Jackson, and Ms. Chase!" We stood up, held hands, and followed her into a small room. "Hello. I'm Dr. Kylie Fetner. You are?" She asked Percy and me.
     "Percy Jackson, this is my girlfriend Annabeth Chase." He replied.
     "Alright. And this is for an altra sound?"
    "Yeah, that's right." I looked at Percy nervously. The he mouthed the words: 'It's okay.' I nodded. Dr. Fetner had gotten that weird thing out, you know the thing they put gel on and rub it all over your stomach. It's cold. She got the gel out as well. Then put on some of those 'plastic' gloves. Next she put the gel on the the stick. I'm not sure what it was called, I'm calling it a stick. Finally she put it on my stomach, then moved it around a little bit. I squeezed Percy's hand really tight. When Dr. Fetner was done, I heard not one, but two heart beats. 
     "What a minute, twins!?!? Perseus Jackson, you me pregnant with twins? We're not even twenty!" When I finally calmed, down I apologized to Percy for  yelling at him. Dr. Fetner gave us a bunch of parenting magazines. You know, stuff like that. After that, we headed home.
    Once we got home, Percy gathered everyone in the living room. It was time to tell them about my pregnancy.
   "Alright everybody, Percy and I have some big news we want to tell you," I paused. I looked at Percy and he nodded. I took a deep breath and said," I'm pregnant."
    "WHAT?!?!" Grover and Nico said in usion. Thalia started to laugh, hard.
     "What's so funny?" Nico asked his cousin.
     "I already knew!" She shouted still laughing. Grover looked a me and I just shrugged.
     "Why'd you tell her before us?" Grover asked dramatically.
     "We didn't. She was easpdropping." Percy replied. We all glared at her. Nico broke the awkward silence.
      "I'm just glad you listened to me and for a room." He joked. 
   "Not only is she pregnant, but she's pregnant with twins." Perch finished up.
     "WHAT?!?!" Everyone shouted again. Percy and I just nodded. So after we shared the news, everybody ate dinner. We had All finished up and everyone started heading up stairs for bed. I went to sleep thinking that my life was about to change. Forever.

   Don't forget to comment vote and follow. Sorry they haven't been at school lately. By the way since the chapter'Percy' was written with the months later thing , there's only three months of school left. So that means Annabeth's whole first trimester.  By for now!

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