Chapter 18: It Was All Just A Dream!

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    I sat straight up in bed. My breaths were heavy. I was sweaty.
     "Thalia." I muttered. I got out of bed to go see her. Then I remembered that she's gone. Dead. I didn't care though. I went to her room just to lay in her bed for a moment. I made my way to her room and opened the door. To my confusion, I saw someone already in the bed. My eyes widened.
   'Wait a minute. I don't remember going to bed. Is it possible that all of what I went through, was just a dream?' I thought to my self.
   "Thalia?" I muttered again. A little louder this time. The figure sat up and looked at me.
    "Annabeth?" I heard Thalia's voice. I smiled and jumped onto the bed. I hugged Thalia tight and she hugged back.
    "What's this about?" She asked laughing a little bit.
   "I'm sorry. I think I had the weirdest dream. But, it felt so real."

     (The Thalia thing was just a dream. The twins are here.)
    I explained everything and I was still confused. I looked at her clock and it read 3:46.
    "I should get back to bed. Good night Thalia." I said with a smile.
   "Good night Annabeth." A smile in her face too. I left the room and went back to mine. Percy was still laying in bed sound asleep. I went into the nursery to check on the twins. Just like Percy, they were sound asleep. Then I realized that I was still in my cloths from yesterday. I changed into some blue and grey shorts with a grey tank top.
    I laid in bed, and fell into a dreamless sleep.
    Ha! I bet you guys weren't expecting any of that. Were you?

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