Chapter 06: Graduation Cloths.

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      Today I was nervous. This nervousness didn't come from the baby, it came from the fact that tomorrow was graduation. We were all actually pretty nervous. Apparently, Aphrodite had gone to this Gods School. All the gods did. They had graduation too, so Aphrodite came to help us with the outfits. Weird. Yes, she's the goddess of love and beauty, but why does she want to help us? Oh well, that's life. A bunch of confusion.
    Just after we had finished breakfast, pink glittery cloud appeared in the living room.
    "What the Hades is that?!" Nico screamed. The smoke had finally cleared up. What do you know, it was Aphrodite, standing right there.
     "Hello demigods." She said this with a huge smile in her face. Thalia stated talking:
    "Not to sound sound rude, malady, but, what are you doing here?"
    "That's easy, I've heard that you all have a graduation coming up. Is that correct?"
    "Yes." We all said together.
    "Good. I've come to help with your dresses and suits. When is the graduation?" She asked summoning four of her servants.
    "Tomorrow." I replied.
   "Perfect!!!" Once again, huge smile on her face.  So that night felt like it had gone on forever. So eventually, Aphrodite asked us:
      "What is everyone's favorite color. Your dress or suit will be that color."
     We told her:
     So Percy wore a light blue tux with a white tie with little waves on it, and black dress shoes.
    I wore a grey dress, it was a high-low. The top was grey with little owls on it, the bottom was striped with grey and light blue zig-zag lines, and my shoes were light blue with a wedged heel.      (Aphrodite knew that Percy and I were dating so the light blue on has tux and the light blue on my dress, were the same. Also we each had something on our outfits that would represent our godly parents.)
     Nico wore a blood red tux, a black tie that had white skulls on it, and his shoes were black.
   Thalia had on the same dress as me but the top was black with gold lightning bolts on it, and the bottom was striped with white zig-zags. Her shoes were also the same as mine but gold to match the lightning bolts.
      And finally Grover. He wore a light green tux. (It was about the color of a leaf. He wore the pants but didn't use his crutches.) his tie was white with pictures of wooden flutes on it. (This was because his lord, Pan played that instrument.)  And last, his shoes were black.
    "Everyone will look wonderful tomorrow." Aphrodite said. She was about to go back to Olympus when I said:
     "Um, excuse me, Aphrodite, May please talk to you?In privet?" When I asked her this, it made me sound, how should I put this? Week.
    "Of course, just follow me." She led me into my room. I didn't want anybody to here us.
     "What is it demigod?" She asked sounding a little concerned.
     "Well, um, do you think you could do me a tiny favor?"
    "Well, it depends, what is it?
    "I was wondering if you could ask Hera if she could come down here. I need to talk to her." I replied. A little bit of worry in my voice. I don't know why, I wasn't worried about anything.
    "Absolutely. May I ask what you need to talk to her about?" 
    "Well she is the goddess of motherhood, right." Aphrodite nodded. Then I continued," I need to talk to her about motherhood." She smiled.
    "Well if course I'll ask her. If she wants you to go to Olympus, do you want me to come get you?"
     "If you don't mind."
   "All right then. Let's go back back downstairs. I need to leave in the room I arrived in." I just nodded and we to the living room.
       "Goodbye demigods!" Aphrodite shouted. She was waiting until we said bye. We finally cought on.
    "Bye!" We shouted back. It was already 10:54. Tomorrow was a big day, we need our rest.
     "Goodnight everybody. I'm out." Nico said going to his room.
     "Goodnight. I think we're out too." Thalia said speaking for both her and Grover. They went up to their rooms.
    "Well I guess that leaves you and me alone." Percy started, this was his 'romantic' voice. "What do you sa-" I cut him off.
     "Not tonight. Tomorrow's graduation, we need our rest. Besides, I'm already pregnant." We both smiled, then headed up to his room. Percy closed the door behind him. We changed into out pajamas. Which for me was some shorts and a flannel shirt, as for Percy, it was just his pants. But that's okay. I liked it when he didn't wear a shirt. We cuddled up.
    "Goodnight Seaweed Brain. I love you."
    "Goodnight Wise Girl. I love you too." As he said this, we kissed each other goodnight, then fell asleep.
    Hope you liked it. Vote, comment, follow. Names for the twins please. One girl one boy. By!!

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