Chapter 07: Graduation.

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         Today was the day. I was a little nervous, but then again, who wouldn't be? The boys had gotten up early to make breakfast for me and Thalia. I didn't realize this when I woke up, so I was startled when I didn't wake up in Percy's arms. I sat straight up.
    "Percy?" I didn't scream his name, just said it. When there was no answer, I decided to go downstairs. I saw everybody sitting in the living room eating.
    "Well look who finally woke up." Grover said with a mouth full of food. I just smiled.
    "Your breakfast is on the counter. Eat it before it gets cold." Thalia said. And there it was, exactly where she she said it'd be. They had made: Scrambled eggs, pancakes, and bacon. I grabbed the plate and a fork than sat down next to Percy.
    "Good morning Seaweed Brain."
    "Good morning Wise Girl." He said this then kissed my lips.
   "You know what?" Nico started, "I'm just going to stop trying."
    "Stop trying what?" Thalia asked.
    "Stop trying to get them to GET A ROOM!!" He said this to Thalia but the 'get a room' part, he was looking at us. We all laughed.
     We all finished eating and it was 9:35. Principle Haden said that we needed to get there before 10:00. So we each went to our rooms and got dressed in the outfits that Aphrodite picked out. It took us all about twenty minutes so we now had five minutes. Luckily the school was a short drive away.
      When we arrived at the school, we had about two minutes to spear. We rushed to the auditorium and the ceremony had already began. At least the principle hadn't started calling us up to get our degrees yet. The beginning was short, then she started calling us up to the stage. Out of the five of us, she started with me and ended with Grover. Everybody, and I mean everybody had to give a small speech about their school year. They were all really nice.
     After graduation, there was a small party in the gym. The party was about two hours and thirty minutes. I didn't really want to be in a huge crowd because after three months, (my whole first trimester,) I'm getting a little baby bump. Plus, my dress was a bit tight, so you could see it.
    Anyway, that night was awful. I kept having cravings for all these weird foods. I could sleep. Another reason is because I couldn't stop puking. Morning sickness sucks, even if it's not in the morning. Percy woke up to the sound of me throwing up in the bathroom. He got up and came over.
     "Annabeth? What's wrong?"
    "Nothing. Just morning sic-" I was throwing up again Percy just rubbed my back and told me to 'let it all out.' Whatever that meant.
    When I read one of those parenting magazines, I saw that after morning sickness, hormones start to kick in.
     'Man! Hormones, that means I'm going to be yelling at Percy, the father of my unborn children I might add, for no reason at all.' I thought to my self as I feel asleep in Percy's arms.

     Hope you liked this chapter, seriously need names. Vote, comment, follow. Bye!!!!

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