I'm Gonna be Godfather - Jason

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It had been the most gruelling two weeks of my life.

The constant snow and the dropping temperatures made things seem almost impassible for me to see where I was going. I was dressed warmly - white parka with a hood, a winter hat, thick trousers and hiking boots with cleats underneath them.

Nico and Frank were at my side. Nico seemed to be struggling the most, because he insisted on going up with his aviator's jacket and nothing more. He did bring clothes though and axes to dig into the mountain of ice that was before us. Frank seemed to be doing alright, though he did come close to falling down the Icefall - he was on a massive serac when one of his axes came out and he was falling. He only managed to stop falling when he whacked his main axe into the ice - he was about fifteen feet from falling into a massive crivace.

Percy and Aaron were the ones who were way above us - they were setting up communications. I couldn't exactly see them above me, which infuriated me. I knew they were the more experienced climbers than we were, but they had to give us some ounce of chance. That was the fairest thing to do, wasn't it?!

I reached the little radio on my shoulder strap. "Jason to Percy. You there Percy?"

A bundle a static later and Percy replied. "Yeah, still here pal. Aaron is just finishing off with the communication, so we should have a stronger signal with the camp in a moment."

"Good," I told him, shivering slightly. "Because I'm freezing my ass off here."

"We won't be any longer," Aaron's voice replied through the radio. "I'm going as fast as I can. Just adding the finishing touches right now. Give me ten more minutes."

"I can't take this any longer," Nico shouted over the howling wind. "I'm going back down."

He started climbing his way down, going slowly so he wouldn't fall.

"Hold on Nico," I yelled. "I'm coming with you! Frank, get us out of here!"

Frank nodded, turning into a massive molted grey dragon and flew us off the mountain.


Twenty minutes went by, and still there was no sign of both Percy and Aaron.

Reyna and I were pacing outside, wondering where those two were. I knew Percy could take of himself, though I knew he would protecting Aaron as much as he could since he was the new kid and all. I was half hoping that they would be back by now, though I knew they wouldn't be - they didn't know this mountain well enough and they needed to focus as much as they could so they could get safely back.

"Where are they?" Reyna asked impatiently. She looked outside the tent where the sky was getting really dark and moody. "They need to  get here ASAP."

"Give them some patience, Reyna," I told her. Though I felt like screaming out to the world for those two to hurry the freaking hell up.

Just then, the snow started falling from the sky even faster. I was no expert on snow storms, but I knew this was a big one. Percy and I might know what the cold is, but not this kind of cold.

But, to my utter relief, I saw Percy supporting Aaron through the onslaught of the snow storm. Percy's face was redfaced with effort, but he managed to get Aaron inside Olympus Explorers tent.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Nico yelled from the corner.

Aaron was limping on his left leg and Percy had a slash on his face. Whatever they went through from climbing down from the mountain, it must've been rough.

"Long story," Percy grunted as he sat down. Immediately, one of the campers came forward and gave Percy ambrosia to eat. Straight away, Percy's wounds vanished in an instant.

Percy Jackson:The Mountain ClimbersWhere stories live. Discover now