The Talk: Reyna

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"Alright," a guy with a New Zealand accent called from the center of the camp, "come over here guy's. We got some news!"

Everyone at Base Camp gathered around in a tight circle - the team from Camp Olympus stayed at the front, eager to know what the news was.

"Alright," the New Zealand man said out loud. "Now, we got some weather reports stating that we may have a tight schedule for climbing Everest. We will take this all in turns, each of us go with our respected camps and climb the Icefall, before it gets too windy."

I knew what he meant - the weather had been windy the day before. The winds had been enough to slow us down by just a fraction, though we eventually got to our destination.

Just then, Percy came up with Jason and Nico. Percy wore his trademark Polartec jacket and wore his shaded blue glasses - making him look like Ares slightly, if Ares decided to go all blue and grew his hair. Nico had a new aviator's jacket, though he didn't wear dark clothes all the time now these days now. Jason now looked shorter than Percy - he was now two inches shorter than the son of Poseidon. He wore a sky blue winters jacket and was wearing his perspriptive glasses as well.

When I look at the three of them together, I was amazed of how well they worked together. The sight of them alone was awe inspiring. But I think that Percy was the one who seemed a lot more grown up than the others - now that he was going to be a father, he seemed more down to earth rather than looking like an immortal hero.

I always had mixed feelings for Percy for years now. When he first came to Camp Jupiter, I offered to make him a Praetor and offered to become his girlfriend. He became Praetor but didn't become my boyfriend because he was in a close relationship with Annabeth. I understood that a while ago when I was back at Circe's Island - those two did look like a couple even though they weren't at the time.

Frank came over and stood with his arms crossed. "It's a lot colder than I thought."

"Well," I responded, "we are in the Himalayas, my fellow Praetor. It's bound to be cold."

Frank Zhang - even though he was the son of Mars and was a Praetor, he still acted like a total klutz sometimes. If it wern't for Hazel - his girlfriend - he would've been kicked out of his role. But most of the time he was an amazing battle planner and thinker - just like Annabeth.

Percy then came up to me. "We need to talk - all of us."

I frowned, but decided to go with him towards the Command Tent. Everyone else did the same, wondering what Percy wanted to talk about.


Once inside, everyone sat down and glanced at one another. Just then, Percy and Jason came to the front of the small crowd of demigods and stood there. Everyone was still talking, so Jason and Percy had a short conversation. Jason nodded and stood in the corner while Percy held up his hands to get everyone's attention.

The whole tent quieted.

"Thank you for coming back into the tent," he announced. "Now, the reason why we decided to bring you all here is because Jason, myself, Nico and Aaron - who is over there at the back..."

He waved his hand to Aaron Bailey, who held up his hand in greeting.

"...have been discussing timetables for our partial climbing attempts," Percy continued. "But before we go into that, I will explain why we are all here in Nepal in the first place. Me and Jason was summoned over to Olympus the over night and we were given a mission that was to be here at Everest. The mission: to locate, find and bring back Zeus's master bolt."

Percy Jackson:The Mountain ClimbersWhere stories live. Discover now