The Ultimate Quest

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"Finally, you made it!" Jason said.

I rubbed my eyes from the blinding light. I just managed to get to Olympus by using the special portal located at the Temple of Jupiter. Basically how the thing works is that you have to have a very clear mind about where you want to go and you are literally teleported to your desired destination. Only problem was that you have to wear a wrist watch that allows you to do that. The only other problem I have is that it makes your eyes go fuzzy.

"Yeah, I'm here," I moaned as my eyesight returned to normal.

I looked around at the city of Olympus and I was still amazed as it was to see the place again. It more or less looked the same as ever - white ans silver buildings of temples and houses, the streets were crowded with people and minor gods and demigods and the mountain was still covered with snow but there was still plant life here in the city. Burning barriers were lit so they looked like stars in the midnight sky.

Jason and I gave each other a brotherly hug. Ever since the end of the war with Gaia, Jason and I treated each other as brothers because we were so alike that it was freaky - we have the same ideas, the same motives and pretty much the same fighting skill. While he had sky blue eyes and blonde hair, I had jet black hair with sea green eyes.

"Two months," I told him, "and I haven't had any word from you or the others. How have you been man?"

"Keeping Half-Blood safe from monsters whenever they come close and generally looking after Piper," he answered. "Been busy as it is, until I finally got a break when my father called me hour ago."

I looked at the Temple of the gods, wondering what on earth Zeus wanted this time. "What do you think - another quest?"

"After four years since we did any quests," Jason sighed, "I'm just glad that we might get one."

"Why?" I asked. "Missing the action?"

Jason thought about it and then shrugged. "I honestly don't know."

I knew how he felt: ever since Annabeth and I settled down together, I secretly wished that I would have one last adventure. Just one adventure to last a lifetime. Just thinking about it made me long for the action again. That's probably my ADHD talking because it's basically my inborn battlefield reflexes going out of control.

"Lets see what Zeus wants this time," I told Jason.

We ran up the grand staircase to the Temple, while I kept thinking about why the gods had called us to Olympus and wondering what it was that they wanted us to do.


"Welcome heroes," Zeus called from his throne.

Several the gods were sitting in their thrones, looking at us as we came into the chamber and stood in the centre of the gods.

I looked around at everyone - Zeus at the middle throne, Poseidon at his left, Hera on the right. Among them on the right of Hera was Athena, goddess of wisdom - one of my least favourite immortals. On the left side of my father Poseidon was a god I didn't recognize - he had frizzy white hair and his face looked a little wild and was so hideously covered in make up that his face looked like it had plastic surgery.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Jason complained. He looked at his father Zeus. "You brought HIM along to this meeting?"

Zeus looked at the God in question. "Is there something that I need to know here, Aelous?"

Aelous...Jason told me about him before: while I was missing in 2009, Jason, along with Piper and Leo, went on a quest to find Hera (why they decided to help her, I have no idea). Along the way they ran into Aelous and let's just say it didn't end well - Aelous turned murderous when he listened to the voice of Gaia.

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