The News of the Diaster: Annabeth

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I was staring at the night sky before I even heard from Reyna and heard the news in the early hours of the morning.

Piper was fast asleep in her room, but I decided to stay up in Percy's office looking through his personal work files. It amazed me about how much he knew about all types of sea creatures (well, duh, he is the son of the Sea God) but what interested me was the stories that he had partially written on his desktop.

One particular file got my attention - The Quest of the Seven.

I opened it up and I could see that Percy had written at least seven hundred pages containing what the Seven Demigods of the Prophecy had been through. In several of the chapters, there were photos of the crew, most of which we took on the Argo II. I looked on several photos of each individual - I came up to the chapter dedicated to Leo - The Flame that Burned until The End. There were several photo's of the son of Hephaestus, his smiling elf like face was grinning at the camera. In one photo, he was in the middle between Jason and Piper, who knew him best. They were smiling, despite the fact that they were on the way to save me from Arachne that particular day. I continued reading from that chapter and rifled through pages.

I stopped and looked at the one chapter that really made me want to choke.

The chapter read "Going through Hell and Back". I could only guess what that chapter was about. I started to read the timeline that me and Percy had spent in Tartarus.

I honestly thought both me and Annabeth were gonna die in the pit, Percy had written at the near end of the chapter. We spent several days, maybe even weeks, trying to get to the Doors of Death but I knew it wasn't easy. We lost two good friends down there, who had sacrificed their lives trying to save me and Annabeth and my heart was literally ripped apart. They didn't deserve to die and everyday I wished that I could go back and save them when I had the chance...With every person who dies for me and Annabeth, it breaks my heart - I don't want anyone to die for either me or Annabeth. I was brought up to believe that when you die, you die - not brought up to have someone die for you. I know it sounds selfish, but in a way I might prove a point. But surviving Tartarus...I swear on the River Styx that I will never go into that place again. I still suffer from the nightmares; the gruelling and most horrifying images that still flash in my mind when I close my eyes...

I stopped reading - I felt tears starting to form in my eyes and I was determined to not let them spill. He talked so much about the loss he felt when he was in the was basically telling me that he hadn't recovered from our time there. For once, I actually saw a side of Percy I thought I would never see - a demigod who suffered extensively in the worst place ever in the known world today.

I decided to close down the iMac and walk downstairs and turned the TV on - maybe that way I could see if Everest would come up. Maybe that way, I could see what Percy and the others were up to and hope that they were okay.

I still couldn't believe that I was having a baby boy - I told Percy that I was going to give birth to a boy that would grow to look just like his dad. And I meant it - I knew immediately that my little boy would look just like my handsome Seaweed Brain.

Just then, my house phone rang. I look at the screen and I could see that it was the number for Olympus Explorers. I smiled deeply, knowing that it was Percy ringing me.

I answered. "Hello?"

"Annabeth," Reyna's voice urgently asked. "Is that you? God, I finally got through! Annabeth, something has happened. Whatever you do, do NOT turn the TV on!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I told her. Something happened? What - good, bad, what? "Reyna, what's happened?"

"There's been an avalanche on Everest," Reyna yelled. "Jason, Nico, Aaron and Percy were caught in it!"

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