Arrival at Base Camp: Percy

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"Jeez," Frank exclaimed. "This place is huge!"

After several more days of trekking to the mountain base we finally made it.

All over the platform at the very bottom base of the mountain were dozens of command tents - all of which housed some of the best mountain climbing agencies. Some were brightly colored while some were really dark. Over to the center of Base Camp, there was the Climbers Memorial - a tall stone pillar with a dark grey plaque.

Over to our left, there was a purple and orange tent that said Olympus Explorers. It was by far one of the biggest tents here at Base Camp, mainly because we might have a lot of equipment to use to get up the mountain. As soon as they saw it, Reyna and Frank crossed over to it and went inside. Their cries of surprise and excitement could be heard all over the Camp. At the exact same moment me, Jason and the others rushed inside and were caught by surprise at the vast size of the tent.

The inside held banners of both Camps Half-Blood and Jupiter - the Golden Eagle of Camp Jupiter and the Orange Omega of Camp Half-Blood. In the center of the command tent was the largest table I have ever seen - it was like the table you might find in the story about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table because the thing was just like that. All along it were documents and maps of the mountain; their were radios spread out next to some of the papers and along the perimeter of the table were chairs with holsters fitted on the armchairs.

This place was so incredible, but it made me feel sad for some reason. I couldn't understand why for a moment...but then I found out why.

"It looks like the Argo II," I said sadly and thoughtfully.

Jason looked at me and then back at the tents inside. His face went from a look of confusion to a look of longing. Like all members of the ship, Jason and I were some of the sole members of the crew - the crew who suffered so much in the War against Gaia, though I think Jason and Piper suffered from it the most because they were Leo's closest friends. Leo was a little brother to them - back at Camp Half-Blood, they asked Chiron and the rest of the Camp to leave the ruins of the Argo II alone as a tribute to Leo. Jason still misses him though, as does Piper.

"Yeah,"Jason said, sounding close to tears, "it does."

Reyna, Nico and Frank also gave wistful glances around the place.

The whole place made me feel at home - like I was back at Camp Half-Blood.


I was standing outside the tent in the middle of the night, which wasn't the best of ideas.

The air was freezing cold - the air was like thousands of knives stabbing me all over my body. I thought I knew what the cold felt like, but I quickly thought different because the air was literally below minus twenty degrees. I might of had my Polartec jacket on, but that didn't help protect me from the sheer coldness of the night.

The small campfire in front of me did little to help me, but it did help me concentrate just a bit. It gave me an insight to how much colder it's gonna be on Everest. I didn't like it, but you know what - I might as well go for it.

"You know, you shouldn't be out here mate."

I looked right behind me and saw Aaron Bailey standing just outside the command tent, wearing a massive red winter coat. He was wearing his gloves already and had his hat on as well, due to being outside. The others were inside resting for the night, which I thought was not comfortable due to the freezing temperatures.

I looked back at the fire. "The cold helps me concentrate sometimes, Aaron."

Aaron shrugged. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Heck, I'm use to the cold - I'm from Birmingham in the UK. It's not cold per say but it can get cold most days."

He stood right next to me and held out his hands to warm them with the fire. He looked at Everest thoughtfully. "Can't believe we're really here."

I looked at the mountain - it looked more menacing at night than it did in the day. It looked like the snow at the peak had turned an evil shade of blue and purple - and yeah, I know what I mean by menacing. It look like the peak of the mountain was more like the head of a spear tip.

"I know," I agreed. "But after this, I don't think we're coming back."

Aaron looked at me. "You are joking right?"

I shook my head adamantly. "I rarely joke, pal. I'm only gonna climb this thing just to get Zeus's freaking bolt, but after this I'm not doing this again."

"Why not?" Aaron exclaimed. "You're not scared of heights are you?"

"No, I'm not afraid of heights. Scared of getting my ass blown out of the sky by Zeus - that I'm afraid of. I'm the son of Poseidon Aaron - we don't belong in the air. Zeus won't allow it."

Aaron scoffed. "Well either Zeus is insane, or he is just being an utter git."

I chuckled. "That pretty much sums Zeus up."

Percy Jackson:The Mountain ClimbersWhere stories live. Discover now