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Briar PoV
Well tonight was the night i would make some friends. I was gonna go to Luke's party even though I hated his guts- a lot. But let's just pray he doesn't see me and kick me out.
But then who do I stand with like do I go with Michael and kinda pray he doesn't make a move again or do I completely betray his trust and go and try and make friends with Grace! Is that too far? But then again she is head cheerleader and that's what's I need to get in with so I guess grace it will be!

I ran upstairs as soon as i got home skimming through my wardrobe and finding literally nothing and I mean what do people wear for party's here? Jeans, dresses, jumpsuits, skirts? Oh god you could so tell I was new but like seriously though how am I gonna find out! Hmm that's when I though Instagram so I went on and found Michael then I went through his followers like a stalker and found grace then I clicked on the photos of party's and well everyone seemed to be in dresses so dresses it is!

I finally got out my favourite 2- a black tight off the shoulders one and a white backless one. I decided the White one would be a success but let's just hope that it won't get dirty because when I say white I mean sparkly clean white. I only ever wore it once and it was to Jacks mothers party. I then grabbed my heels and walked right out of the door

And then right back in
How was I gonna get there?

Thank god I had his number, it was on his bio so I quickly texted him asking if he could pick me up, I got a text back quite suddenly with a reply of 'yeah sure on my way' When he finally arrived it was half 9 so perfect timing! I ran quickly out of the door leaving my mom a note on the kitchen table saying:

Just gone to a new friends house for the night, no need to text I'm fine
Love you :)

Even though I have always been like this my mom still never suspects anything, she's either so oblivious or just really doesn't care I mean j lost my virginity at my own house party where my mom turned up at like half 12 because she had forgot her phone at ours- she was staying at her boyfriends at the time. But like as soon as she rang the bell everyone hid but the place was still a mess and she didn't even say a word! I guess, for me, that's a really good thing!

When I got into his car it was kinda awkward until he said something to make it even worse

"You Erm look really nice" he just stared dead at the road

"Thanks, you look pretty decent yourself" I laughed trying to lighten the mood

"Soo.. You like party's?" That's when we both kind of chilled out and the awkwardness just seemed to go

"Yeah I love them back at home I used to have them all the time and like we were so crazy we would like jump off my roof into my pool it really was the life! Music blasting and cocktails on the poolside" I lay back just wishing I could go back

"Yeah I love them too but our parties seem to be quite different I mean we like have our vodka and our shots and well we all kinda dance around inside" he laughed actually looking at me

"Yeah well we have party's like that too we aren't all posh stuck up biches" I laughed shaking my head

"yeah I know i know and you don't seem like a bitch anyway, you seem nice and kinda different from the girls here, grace for example" he then looked down and straight back up focusing on the road a lot

Oh but I was a bitch I was totally betraying him after how upset he was and then I'm going to go and try to become friends with his ex- I'm a really bad person, shit. The guilt was eating me out and I was starting to panic!

"So what's the biggest betrayal you have had?" I said wanted to know if what I was going to do would be really awful

"Well I had this friend called Jessica and she was like my best friend until she always kept telling me things that Grace would 'say' about me and then I was really fed up and hurt by it and then I clicked how would she know this stuff! she would just be hanging around with her and well she was slagging my girlfriend off really, and she was just using her to 'see what she said about me' so I just went to her 'don't tell me what they have been saying, tell me why they were so comfortable telling you it' and that kinda ended Our friendship because she was using me I really hate her now too, she's deputy cheerleader! It seems like all cheer leaders are dicks!" He ran his hands through his fire red hair

Owch that hurt

"Aw yeah she seems horrible! But Erm not meaning this to make things awkward but I was kind of a cheerleader in my old school" I tucked some hair behind my ear

"Ohh well I meant the ones in our school" he laughed "so can you make me one promise that you won't become a cheerleader for me because well if you did our friendship would be over"

"Michael that's a lot to ask! It's my passion and well you just can't ask me to do that!" I quietly shouted

He then just stopped opening his mouth and then closing it and then he jolted into someone drive way and got it if the car so I followed running after him in my big heels

"fine" he then went into the house and walked off somewhere and we'll he could have been anywhere it was huge!
I guess finding grace was my only option

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