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Briars pov
I walked into the kitchen to see grace standing with two other girls- two of them were really pretty but one of them was well fat, not meaning to put it in a harsh say but yeah why was she hanging around with them! And well they were basically ignoring her, I felt really bad so I decided to go Over

"Hi I'm briar, the new girl?" I smiled

"Oh hi I'm-" she got cut off

"I'm grace and this is Jessica" then the other girl let out a small cough "and well this is Gena" she looked slyly over to her

"Nice to meet you guys and well if I heard correctly I think that you guys are all on the cheerleading squad?" I said enthusiastically

"Yes we are but why do you care" Grace laughed- bitch

"Well in my old school I used to be a cheerleader and I was wondering-" cut off again

"If there was any auditions?" She then looked at Katie as katie was whispering something in her ear then turned back around "No" then they both started giggling like a bunch of stuck up hyenas

They didn't even know how good u was it how passionate I was! It only looked like Gena cared so I decided I would speak to her

"Hey Gena do you wanna show me where the bathroom is?" I smiled ignoring the other two hoes

"Erm" she then looked back and saw them Too giggling "sure" she then made a half smile and I followed her upstairs

"Why do you even hand around with those girls their awful to you" I said confused

"Well it's the only way I can really become popular and that's all I have ever wanted and I mean getting onto the squad was amazing and then becoming friends with them it set me off and well that's how I ended up with Calum, but sometimes I feel he only dates me to get to Jessica! I used to think It was Grace but nope she has Michael of course!" She laughed

"But if you have the boy and the popularity why don't you hang out with others?" I questioned

"Because then it I did that I would loose both of those things and well i really like Calum- I could picture a future with him" she smiled looking down

It killed me inside knowing what he had done and well I so badly wanted to tell her but it would be awful to hear it from me, a stranger!

"You didn't need the bathroom did you?" She laughed

"Nope just wanted to get away from those pigs" I giggled as we walked back downstairs "hey have you even seen Luke tonight I mean it's his party and it looks like to me he hasn't even made an appearance!"

"He's probably off having sex with some girl in his parents bedroom" she moved her eyes to the upstairs looking there then back at me

"Wait so he doesn't have a girlfriend and he's like a badass?" What I thought he was like a teachers pet

"Nope and yep pretty much and well that's how he is popular" Gena said looking around the room "do you know where the girls have gone and well the boys?"

"why do you even care I mean it's not like her or Michael are very attainable" I laughed, Gena looked confused

"What?" She stood with no expression

"I mean me and Michael kissed after I found-" then I was cut off again! But by being covered in what smelt like vodka

"YOU KISSED MY FRIENDS BOYFRIEND SLUT!" She then ran off trying to find her 'friends' leaving me to be completely humiliated and embarrassed. Everyone was laughing, staring, taking photos it was a living hell I was now gonna be known as the saddo who got covered in vodka literally shoot me now this actually couldn't get any worse!

Oh but it could
Then I saw a tall figure emerging from the crowds of people. It was- was


"WHAT THE HELL are you doing here!" He shouted pulling a disgusted face

"I-I don't even know" I wiped my eyes putting mascara all done my face

"Just leave NOW, panda eyes" he scoffed

I then quickly ran outside crying, trying to get as far away as possible but then I remembered I don't know where I am and I don't know how to get how I'm actually

"SCREWED!" I screamed shouting with frustration until well

"What's screwed?" A boy laughed with a cheeky smile

"Well have you seen me? And well who are you?" I said wiping my eyes again

"It's not that bad" he flinched " and I'm Ashton" he smiled a half smile

"Oh your the guy who called the police on the party I've just been to" I said shrugging

"Yes and no because well it was off my phone but it was really Grace who called them!" He shrugged back

"Wait why would she do that? And why wouldn't you tell everyone?" I asked

"well she tired to hook up with him and he pied her so to save her humiliation she rang the police blamed it on me and then we'll I didn't tell people because who would really believe my word over hers?" He laughed

"aw that's so unfair and well quite frankly I hate that bitch and her friend Jessica!" I sighed

"Yeah me too they suck!" He replied

"So Erm Ashton quick question where are we and how do I get home to 75th?" I asked

"Well your far away" he laughed "but I'll drive you home of you want?" He questioned

"Yeah thanks! And well I'm really hungry can we get some food?" I said pulling a pity face

"Well good thing I'm STARVING! I know this really good pizza place and oh there Italian and Chinese..." We then got talking as we walked to one of the about 10 'best restaurants' he knew. He was actually really nice

:)) thanks for reading

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