Chapter 16

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The next morning, R sat patiently waiting for Martinez or one of the nurses to bring fresh bandages for him. He wasn't even sure why they insisted so much, his wound wasn't even that bad! Surely other could use the bandages more than him, right? There had been people with worse wounds than him who still needed to stay in the infirmary, unlike him. He was surprised when it wasn't Martinez, a nurse, or anyone else from the medical team, but Julie walked over to him with fresh gauze. "Julie" R greeted with a wide smile. Fortunately, when he had woken that morning in his apartment, he hadn't felt as horrible as he had felt the night before. Whatever had happened to him, must have passed... mostly.

"Martinez said I could change your bandage, is that okay with you?" Julie smiled as she sat down next to him on his cot.

"Of course," R grinned, pushing his sleeve up. He unwrapped his old binding and watched Julie study his wound. He was surprised that she didn't look sick at the sight. It wasn't even a bad wound, a gash maybe, but it was red and raw and stitched up a bit. She unrolled the gauze and began wrapping his arm with it. Sitting so close to her on the little cot... maybe he had spoken too soon. His heart began to beat a little faster when her gaze caught his. R took the hand that finished rebinding his injury and turned it in his. He leaned down and kissed the palm of her hand tenderly, watching her eyes soften.

"Good morning to you too," Julie smiled.

"Would be a better morning if I could have a kiss?" R smiled back.

"You're certainly high maintenance today..." Julie snickered and reached for him, her lips playing teasingly over his. R shook his head slightly and leaned in further, his arm outstretched over her lap. His mouth was demanding, moving against hers, his hands bold. "Y-Your wound..?" Julie weakly protested, his kisses making her feel dazed.

"...'Don't care," R muttered, his fingers digging to her hair, cradling her head, keeping her from pulling away again. This time, R leaned back against the bed, pulling her with him so that she rested against him. Julie took advantage of her position, straddling his waist, letting her hands slowly slide along his chest. R groaned into the kiss, pulling her closer. One of his hands sneaked between them and slid under her shirt, his fingers laying patterns on her stomach.

When Martinez asked Nora to go check on R, saying that Julie had volunteered to help patch him up that morning, Nora had once again not expected the very intimate scene before her eyes when she stepped through R's curtains around his cot. She was once again frozen in her tracks at the scene playing before her. Julie was lying on top of R, one of her hands in his hair and the other trailing up his shirt. R's hands were doing similar things and they were eagerly kissing each other as if it were the end of the world... again. Nora cleared her throat loudly and crossed her arms. "Am I interrupting anything?" Julie and R both broke apart with a gasp and whipped their heads around to gape at her. Nora's grin widened at how annoyed her friends looked at her.

"Nora! Yes you are!" Julie yelled, too embarrassed at once again being caught to react a bit more sensibly.

"Whoa! Chill out!" Nora chuckled. "You guys have a lot of guts! Foreplay in public? Dayumn."

"It isn't-... We're not-... we're-... Nora, what do you want?" Julie stumbled over her words, far too embarrassed to try to explain herself.

Nora decided to cut her a break and shook her head. "Oh, I just wanted to know if the two of you were up for a job on this glorious sunny morning?" The older woman suggested. "You know, unless you have other plans?"

"Sure... a run sounds fun," R mentioned, sitting up and smiling apologetically to Julie.

Julie sighed. "Yeah, okay..." she shrugged.

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