Chapter 19

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They four made sure to barricade the reception area as best as they could, sitting to rest, relax after such a tense situation they found themselves it. Blood trickled down Nora's cheek but she didn't seem to notice. R glanced over and frowned in concern. "You should disinfect that," R muttered, gesturing to her injury.

"Huh?" Nora reached to her cheek and her fingers came back red, feeling the sting, she nodded. "Yeah, you're right." Nora went back into the storage closet and returned with oxygen peroxide and cotton-balls. "Who else needs tending to?"

"R always needs... tending to..." M chuckled, making Nora grin in amusement.

"You guys are too much alike..." Julie sighed.

"It's because we're both awesome," Nora snickered, winking at M who nodded in agreement.

M watched Nora dab a piece of cotton with oxygen peroxide and winced sympathetically when she pressed it awkwardly against the corner of her injury, making it bleed a little more. "Here, let me help," M reached for the cotton-ball.

"You don't have to," Nora smiled, but let him take the cotton and bottle of oxygen peroxide.

"Nonsense, you helped me! It's the least I can do," he smiled charmingly back at her. He and cleaned her cheek gently, pausing when she hissed in pain. R and Julie watched in interest. They had only met a few times and already seemed to be pretty good friends. It could be one of the reasons M seemed to be healing just a little faster now. It might not have been what Julie and R experienced, but it was still healthy social contact that M needed.

"Thank you, Marcus," Nora beamed at him. "It feels much better."

"Anytime," M winked charmingly.

R gave his friend a look, who shrugged and smiled at him, as if saying 'hey why not?' R shook his head in amusement. The awe-struck wonder at how weak the Boneys were and how easily they were defeated still fresh on their minds, the four got up and made their way out.

As they headed out, Julie wanted so bad to let R put his arm over her, she was sure he wanted to do, if his glances over to her were any clue. Calm her down from the moment of pure horror at the thought of that damn virus enslaving R again. But that wouldn't be safe and they knew it. They needed both hands to operate their weapons. So they walked in silence once more, eyes trained in alleyways and dark buildings. It was still late afternoon but there was enough light to see around them and they could possibly make it back home before it started getting dark if they didn't stop to rest.

M had not had the same kind of help as R had though, making it difficult for him to keep a steady pace without stopping to rest. So they stopped and let him catch his breath. They were making good time anyway. It was very early evening when they finally reached the secret entrance. They crept in and made their way back into the city. Moving into the medical tent, the four were greeted by a surprised Martinez who eyed them suspiciously. When the older woman saw them place two bags full of supplies and she noticed the wound on Nora's scratched cheek and R's bloody arm, she blanched.

"Those aren't old wounds! You kids! You included Mr. Marcus! You should be more careful!" Martinez scolded gently. The four of them had the decency to look shamefaced at least. Seeing a grown man shuffle his feet around like a teenager though only made Martinez have to hold in a laughter. Her stern cover would be blown if that happened... not that she was being particularly tough on them. "R... is that a..?" She walked over and took his arm in her's gently, giving him a pained look.

"Yes, but it's okay! I'm not infected," R said quickly, seeing her look of alarm and smiled gently at her, trying to ease her worries. "I'm... I'm immune," he grinned, still thrilled by the concept.

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