Chapter 15

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R woke with a start that morning. He had a dream that he had died yesterday. In his dream, he never made it back home, back to Julie. He sighed in relief but blinked when he noticed his bed was lacking in the warm bodies department aside from his own. He turned his head and frowned slightly. Julie had fallen asleep next to him the night before but she wasn't there now. R pulled the gray blanket off and stretched, wincing in pain when he stretched his injured arm too far.

He glanced at his bed again, then got up and went to get ready for the day. He had woken up during the night last night, needing to use the bathroom, and spent a few minutes just laying there and watching the woman he loved sleep, curled up into him. She hadn't woken when he finally got up, and was still asleep when he was done with his business. He had held her and smiled when she snuggled back into his arms. It had been a very pleasant experience for R. An experience he would love to repeat. Waking up and finding his bed empty felt more cold and lonely than he had ever thought it would.

"Ah, I'm glad you're awake!" R turned from brushing his teeth to see his doctor there, holding his chart. She went over and laid a gentle hand on his hand. "How are you feeling this morning?" she asked softly.

R tried to rinse and spit the toothpaste from his mouth as politely as he could. "I'm much better, thanks," he smiled.

"I'm happy to here it. I'm also glad to report that your blood-work came clean as usual last night and I see a very nice improvement in your muscle scale. You think you can continue to exercise on your own now?" Martinez asked.

"You mean without going to more rehab?" R's blinked in surprise.

"Sure! You've recovered in one month what many can't do in four..." Martinez nodded. "You're more than welcome to keep dropping by, none of us would mind a visit from you," she winked, smiling fondly when it made him blush in embarrassment. "But as far as I'm concerned, you're now about as fit as the average young man your age," she told him.

"That's great to hear," R grinned. "Maybe... maybe I'll stop by," he said softly and shrugged, wincing again when he moved his arm too much.

"How's your arm? May I see?" R nodded and let her push his sleeve up. "Hmm, well, it looks like you stopped bleeding," Martinez nodded. "You'll still need to take it easy. You're officially off work duty until it heals a bit more, alright?"

"Okay," R nodded.

"It'll need to be changed everyday so it doesn't get infected, just like your first bullet wound, okay?"

"Sure," R agreed. After Martinez changed his bandage, she let him go.

As R made his way through the streets to Julie's house, he noticed people regarded him differently now. They were no longer wary of him or avoided him, they smiled and nodded at him when he looked over at them. He had earned the people's respect and trust. He was also surprised to see that John had indeed let the group of 'former zombies' stay. They were relocated to a tent nearby and some where even reunited with loved ones. It was a shame that memory didn't come back so easily, but eventually, like Julie had told him, it probably would. He didn't see M among them but he was sure that his older friend was either helping to arrange things or talking to the others.

R reached Julie's large house and knocked on the door. He tried again after a few minutes but still nothing. No one was home. Frowning in confusion, he made his way back into the city. Asking around led him to his own apartment. R had given Julie a spare key a while ago so he headed inside, figuring she would let herself in if she was there. He wondered why she hadn't told him she'd be dropping by his place. Opening the door he was surprised to find both Julie and Nora there.

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