Chapter 17

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Stirring in her sleep, Julie woke early that morning. The lazy rays of the morning sun drifted into her room through the open curtains of her balcony door. A feeling of deep satisfaction made her just lazy about on the bed, smiling when she felt warmth very close to her. Turning her head, her eyes caught the silent figure lying next to her, one of his arms around her shoulders, keeping her close even in his sleep, and the other resting against his stomach.

A whimsical smile adorned her lips as she watched the steady rise and fall of his chest. He looked serene in sleep, like a child almost, complete with the rosiness in his increasingly tan cheeks. Julie leaned in closer to him, her nose centimeters away from the warm skin of his unbandaged shoulder. She closed her eyes and breathed in deep. He smelled like sun light, if that was even possible, and honeysuckles. He smelled like life, like safety, like comfort, like love. He smelled like home.

"Julie," his surprisingly soft voice made her jump slightly and she looked up to see his radiant blue eyes gazing at her with the same fiery intensity he looked at her before he told her how much he loved her. The same devout expression he had every time he told her he would keep her safe. She felt her heart beat a million miles a second in her chest, part of her wanting to blush and look away from his piercing, emotion-saturated stare, but a stronger part of her wanted to dive into the cerulean pools of his eyes and let herself drown in them. The way he looked at her just made her want him all over again.

"G'morning," she croaked. Clearly mornings did not agree with her as well as they apparently did with him.

"You okay?" He asked curiously, shifting in the bed to face her better. The sheets slid slightly, exposing his lean stomach and Julie had to try hard not to stare. She could see the sparse dark hairs trailing seductively down his belly, disappearing beneath the sheets.

"I'm fantastic," Julie grinned. And she was, she really was! The previous night wasn't something she had ever thought she would experience with him, at least not so soon. It might have been a bit awkward and a bit rushed, he had to help her several times, but she had been overwhelmed with emotion at how patient and diligent he was. R worked hard to make the energetic pull of life rush through her veins like nothing else. He worked very hard to please her.

Who knew a former zombie could make her feel so immeasurably alive?

He didn't just love her with his body, he put his soul and heart into it. The beating organ that pumped as hot and hard as his solid body against her's. Julie blinked back to reality when she heard him clear his throat, a tiny knowing smile tugging the corner of his lips up. Ah, what had she created? Fighting the embarrassing blush threatening to spill into her cheeks, she covered it by surprising him. She rolled over and sat up, either of her legs astride over his waist, exposing herself to him again.

"So tell me, R, what are your plans for today?" she asked him casually, as if they were in a cafe talking over a cup of coffee and not sitting there naked in her bed, on his lap.

"Plans?" R questioned stupidly, his face already flushed with the exquisite sight before him... and against him.

"Yep! Work? Training? Teaching zombies how to live again? Stuff like that? ...Other stuff?" Julie answered with a wicked grin.

"Actually, I was thinking of just staying here..." R smiled. Funny how rediscovering his sex drive could make it stir with a vengeance at a moment's notice.

"Here?" Julie raised a brow, a smirk tilting her lips up.

"Yep, right here, and you too. You're not going anywhere," he wrapped his arms around her waist almost possessively, trapping her against him.

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