15.White Streak P.3

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Damia was the first to wake up then Kori then Roy and then Jason

Damia:where are we...

.....well isn't it little old Damia.....

Damia reconized the voice and it was.....



she then got in Damia's face and put a gun up to her chest and Damia stiffened a little

Jason:don't you dare

harley:oh don't worry....but Damia. ......don't you remember when we were in this situation

Kori:what's she talking about

harley:oh you haven't told you friends yet....good thing I have a video then....

Damia:you wouldn't....

harley:....oh I would

and Harley played the video

In the video

Damia was captured by harley as sparklet and was just waking up

Damia:where....am I

....Well look who's awake

someone came out of the shadows and it was harley
Damia:what do you want

Harley:just wanted to talk to ya

Damia:well I don't

Harley:well...I imagine so I mean I killed you little friend Alfred. ....and you got blamed....Damia

Damia eyes widend as harley spoke again

Harley:and no one's here to save you because there all against you.

Damia:shut up harley

Damia cut the rope with a knife she always carried and did a flip a kicked Harley in the neck

Harley:oh you wanna fight....Then lets

Harley then took out a gun and shot Damia in the leg 2 times and she fell....

She tried to get up but couldn't
Harley then shot her in the side

Then damia heard a laughing....a laughing that she hadn't heard in a long time....it was....

Damia raised her head up and saw who it was.

Damia:how the hell is he....here

Joker:well....that wasn't chemical assist you kicked me in

Harley:it was the assist that created my puddin.

Damia:Is that why he's uglier than usual

Harley:oh sweetie....that's just you vision...I did shoot you 3 times

Even though Damia's vision was blurry from being shot....but she still knew he was ugly

Harley:why dont I fix that for you

She then shot Damia in the eye.

Damia head fell to the floor trying to keep her other eye open

Harley:bye bye

Then Harley flew out with the joker on some kind of flying thing.

Damia then heard ticking

She looked towards a clock with bombs attached to it With 5 seconds left



3 Damia knew this was the end of her




End of video

By then Damia wiggled her wrist out of the rope and she tackled Harley

Damia landed on the floor and Harley took out a gun

Damia froze and Harley shot her in the leg and she fell down

Starfire then used starbolts to get out of the ropes and she got Roy and Jason out of them

Then he came out....


It was joker

Joker:look what we have here....I see Damia came back....

Jason shot at joker but he dodged it and grabbed Harley by the waist and took out some flying thing and they flew out

Damia was still kinda awake and Jason bent down to her


Jason:I'm right here....

Damia:we have to get out....there's a......

They then heard ticking and looked up and saw a bomb up on the ceiling

Jason picked up Damia and he Kori and Roy rushed out.

When they got to the car...the place blew up....

Jason put Damia in the car and got in next to her while Roy drived

Damia was staring to wake up a little...


Jason:shh....we're almost there

Damia:no....my leg.

Jason looked at her leg and there was alot of blood coming out of it where she been shot.

He took something and wrapped it up with and put his hand over it.....

They got to the outlaws lair and when they did Damia was passed out

Jason took out the bullet and stitched her up

He put her in her room when he was done and kissed her on the forehead and went to the main room

Roy:so....what are we going to do.

Jason:we'll just wait until tomorrow...

Jason then went to his room and Kori soon went to hers and Roy went to his....

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