16.Secrets Revealed

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Damia POV

I woke up in my room with a pain in my leg...

I then remembered what happened last night....

Damia:oh crap....I'm probably going to have alot of explaining to do..

I got up but with a tiny limp...as I was about to exit the hallway I peeked to see if anyone was up....

I didn't see them so I tiptoed to the refrigerator....I saw Roy asleep on the couch.

I got out an Apple and turned around to see all 3 of them standing right in front of me.

Kori:I see you decided to get up

Damia:uh....well aren't you supposed to get up in the morning

Roy:yeah....but you got up at 3 in the afternoon

I looked at the clock and it was 3:37

Damia:well.....I'm going to go to my room.....

Then Jason got in front of me

Jason:or.....you can sit on the couch and tell us about what was all that about last night

I sigh in defeat and go sit on the couch as they all follow me

Damia:okay so....when I was going to leave Gotham....I got captured by harley.

Roy:so everything that happened in the video was true

Damia:yeah....then Talia found me...she put me in this pit called the....

Kori:Lazarus pit...

Damia:yeah....then I got this

I brought out the white streak of hair

Jason:but how is it just coming

Damia:because I dyed my hair and Talia said that it would come back near the day I died

Kori:all of this happened 5 years ago.

Damia:yeah....I stayed with Talia but that's when Bruce found out I was staying there so I had to leave.

Roy:so that little white streak...how long does it stay

Damia:well...it could be days or weeks no months or years

Everyone just nodded and left the only one who stayed was Jason

Jason:why didn't you say anything

Damia:I didn't want anyone to look at me like I'm some corps who's scared of guns

Jason:I wouldn't....and I still don't like crowbars and that was 11 years ago....and if your a corps...then I am too

I smiled and blushed a little...

Damia:you really know how to make me smile don't you

Jason:it's my job...*smirks*

Damia:I'm going to go lie down

I got up then I screamed a little when I felt someone picking me up I looked up and saw Jason and I smiled

Jason:what...you think I'm going to let you walk by yourself after getting shot in the leg.

Damia:not really......

He put me on my bed and before he left out the room....

Jason:if you need anything just let me know.....

Then he left out...

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