26. Cataline Kyle

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Damia sat on the couch. "Cat, I can't thank you enough."

Cataline  chuckled as she took off her jacket. "Yeah yeah yeah."

"Bruce probably is gonna find me." She groaned.

"So he still thinks you killed Alfred?" Cataline  sat next to Damia. "And why the shades and wig?"

"So no one would recognize me." She took off the shades. "If anyone recognize me, I'm done for."

Cataline  sighed. "I can't believe he thinks that you! Of all people killed him."

"Yeah, it's funny, it all started off with me running on the streets of  Gotham all homeless, who knew it would lead to this."

"Aww Mia it'll be alright, we'll get through this."

"I hope."


Jason drove in his car on his way to Gotham with the phone on his ear.

"C'mon dick, pick up the damn phone." He hit the steering wheel in frustrating when he made it to a traffic jam.

"Hello this is Dick Grayson speaking."

"Dick! Where are you!"

"In Gotham where else?"

"Bruce is on his way there, he's trying to find Damia."

"Good, that girl needs to be put in jail, after what she did."

Jason groaned. "She didn't kill Alfred,  just meet me at the manor."

He heard Dick sigh. "Fine..."

He hung up the phone. "Screw this."

He got out of the car and made a run for it.


"Dick!!!!" Jason called out.

"Jason!" Dick greeted. "Why are you sweating."

"I ran...Dick...where's the gun that was used to kill Alfred."

"In the bat cave. Why?"

"There's got to be some fingerprints on there, if we trace who it was then we can find out who it was."

Dick shook his head. "I'm telling you, it's Damia."

Jason grabbed Dick by the shirt. "Listen here you son of a bitch, It wasn't Damia I don't know what that stupid bat told you, but it was  wrong, now let's go!"

Jason dragged Dick all the way down to the bat cave.


Kori and Roy sat in the Outlaw Headquarters. "I hope they hurry back."

Roy put a hand on Kori shoulder. "They will...."

Smoke started coming out of the vents.

Kori and Roy started coughing. "W-What the hell is that!?"

The last thing they heard was a loud laughter, before passing out.

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