29. The Truth

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Dick was waiting for the scanner to complete, when it finally hit 100%

What shocked him the most wasn't that he was wrong was that who's face was on the screen.
Damia turned around, she took a deep breathe before speaking.

When she did it came out in a whisper. "Bruce..."

Bruce glared down on her. "Its time for you to leave.."

"Bruce I know you think I killed Alfred, but it wasn't me you asshole."

"Yes it was!!" That's when police cars started surrounding them. "Damia Matthews."

"Take her away!" Bruce ordered.
As the policemen were about the put her in the car, Dick Grayson flew down but as Nightwing. "Wait!!!"

They let her go, and that gave Damia the cue to elbow them and take off running.

"I don't know what the hell he's up to...but I don't give a damn." She ran even faster and faster, picked up her speed every second.


"Nightwing...explain yourself." A policemen came up to him asking.

"Yes please." Batman glared.

"This is the gun that was used to kill the victim...and according to these readings...the real person who's the murder is..."


Jason woke up chained up, Roy and Kori was tied up over a tank of sharks.

The Joker watched proudly and grinning. "Everything is all planned."

"Awweeee Your having a little tea party without me, how rude."

Joker turned to see...the one and only....

Damia Cortella Mattews.


"Well!? Who!?" The policemen all looked at Dick.

Dick looked over at Batman. "Him!" He pointed at Bruce aka motherfreaking Batman.

"What?" Everyone looked confused.

So Dick continued. "Years ago, when Alfred Pennyworth was murdere, the real Batman wasn't even alive."

Everyone gasped, Batman spoke. "What the hell are you talking about!?"

"This here!!" He ripped of Batman's head. "Is a Robot the Joker created to frame, Damia Mattews."

By now news reporters were surrounding the scene.

"But why would the Joker want to frame them?"

"And what happened to Batman!?"

"Calm down Calm down." Dick chuckled. "Now...I did some more research, and Damia father had a fued with the Joker, they used to work together."

Shocking faces were all around. "Until he turned on the Joker turning him in to the police, he swore revenge on his family."

"As for Batman, he fell for the jokers tricks, shocking? Yeah I know,but it was all apart of his plan to get to Damia."

Sad faces were on everyone.

"But...where is Damia now?"

That's when Dick realized. "Shit! Gotta go!"

He ran off, because now he had to save Damia!


The Joker grinned at the girl in front of him. "Oh if it isn't Damia Cortella Mattews."

She jumped down from the board. "Hell yeah it is, and she's about to kick your ass."

"I'd like to see you try." He grabbed something out of his jacket, and out came a gun.

Her eyes widened, memories flooded her mind as the Joker laughed.

"What? Oh this? This is a gun." He grinned. "The same gun...used to kill you." He voice got deeper.

"You son of a bitch!!!" Jason yelled. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!"

Damia stood there frozen, she didn't know what to do.

That Gun....

Killed Her...

It ended her life...

And there she was...

Standing there straight...

But it changed her life...

She looked at Kori and Roy above the shark tank.

She looked at Jason trying to get unchained.

She thought of Cataline and that little promise

'I'm Always Damia, and no one can beat me for good'








Confidence sprung right into her, she kicked the gun right out of his hand. "You think that gun scares me?" She smirked.

"Well I was hoping." He shrugged.

She flipped him on the ground and climbed up some stairs, to reach Roy and Kori. "Look when I cut the ropes, Kori you grab Roy and fly off."

They both nodded.

As Damia cut the ropes she said. "Hold on tight."

One last cut and Kori grabbed Roy and flew out of the building.

When she was about to jump off to un chain Jason the Joker threw something at her.

She grabbed the ledge of the tank so she wouldn't fall in.

"DAMIA!!!" Jason screamed out in fear.

The Joker grinned, he climbed up the steps, about to step on her feet. "Goodbye, Damia."

"YOOOOUUUCHHHH!!!!" The Joker yelled, Damia stabbed a knife in his leg, he fell into the shark tank.

With all her strength she made it down the steps.

"Damia." Jason smiled.

She got out her laser lipstick and got him out the chains.

Once he was out, he wrapped his arms around her and gave Damia a gentle kiss.

"Let's go home."

"Damia Jason!!!!" They turned to see Dick. "Woah what happened here."

"Its a long story...we'll tell ya on the way." Damia said.


-----5 months later------

"Oh my god I can't believe today is the day you'll be getting married!!!"

"Who knew!!!"

"Calm down, it isn't a big deal!"

"Yes it is!!!"

"Guys its time!!! Let's go hurry!!!"

The girls walked out of the room.

Once the bride made it to the stand the priest started.

"Do you....."

Ooooouuuuu who's getting married?

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