21.Unexpected Visit

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As the phone rang Jason finally anwserd

On the phone


B:hello jason

J:hey bruce is anything wrong

B:no but I will be coming by your lair later on

J:are you sure I mean your a busy man

B:yes I am sure I'll be seeing you later

Bruce then hung up

Jason:He's coming by

Damia sighed and groaned

Damia:I shouldn't have came here

Jason:everything will be fine Damia I promise

Damia sighed then nodded

-----Time Skippy-----

Bruce made it to the outlaws lair and was talking to 'Cortina' which was actually Damia

Bruce:So Cortina when did you start staying here
Damia:About few months ago

Bruce nodded

Bruce:I see do you mind if I talk to them for a second

Damia nodded and went into her room

Bruce:Jason you remember what I told you about Damia

Jason:Yeah but I still dont think she would do something like that

Bruce:but she did I heard about her being in Bludhaven so keep a watch out for her and if you see her turn her in

Kori:I've never met this Damia but Jason has told me so much about her it doesn't seem like her

Bruce:She can't be trusted
With that Bruce left and Jason went to go check on Damia

Jason: Did you hear any of that

Damia:No just the part that I cant be trusted

Jason hugged Damia from behind

Jason:We trust you and we are going to get everything figured out okay


Jason:Bruce left back to Gotham so why dont we go out and take a walk to get your mind off of things

Damia smiled grabbing her sunglasses and nodding

Damia:I could use that

They left out and went for a walk

Hanging With Them OutlawsWhere stories live. Discover now