Chapter 1

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I am turning 21 tomorrow and I figured I would go back to where I grew up. I used to live next to the Toretto's. Mia and I were best friends and Dom and I were like brother and sister. When I was 16 I had to move because of my dad's job. We still talked and FaceTimed. I walked out the door this morning and yelled to my parents "I'm leaving! I love you guys! I will call later." They smile and I hug my little brother and sister. I wave and leave in my car. I start driving all the way back to the Toretto's. By the time I get to their house it's the next day. I see no one home. I drive down to their shop and step out of the car. I see Mia working at the counter so I go up behind her and cover her eyes. I say "Guess who's back!" She spun around and hugged me. She said "Emma you're home! Finally I've been waiting forever!" I smile and say "I will be back, I'm going to surprise Dom." She nods and I go to the workshop. I find Dom and motion to the others to not talk. They nod and continue working. I walk up behind Dom. Cover his eyes and jump on his back while yelling "I'm home!!!" He lights and I jump off of him. He turns and hugs me. He says "Emma! I wondered when you were coming home!" I smile and say "Also...guess what day it is!" He thinks then smiles at me and says "It's your birthday!" I smile and nod. I then go back to Mia and she says "It's your birthday!" I smile and she hugs me while saying "We have to have a party!" I shake my head and say "Noooo! Just being here is good enough!" "No we are having I party!" I groan and nod. I start working with her when a guy comes in. He's really handsome and sits in front of me. Mia says "Emma you take him, his name is Brian. I need to go get someone's order." I nod and say to Brian "What would you like?" He looks up at me and smiles. He says "Tuna sandwich." I look at him and reply "That's the worst sandwich here!" "I like them. Make sure it doesn't have crust." I nod and get him his food. I hand it to him and he starts eating. I see cars pull into the parking lot. Out steps Letty, Vince and some other guys. I look at Vince and Letty and yell "Hey girlie and Vince!" They smile at me. I walk up to them and give them hugs. Letty says "When did you get here chica?" I say "About 10 minutes ago!" She smiles and I hug Vince. He says "I've missed you!" I say to him "I've missed you all too!" He smiles again and I see Brian look over. He sees us and looks mad. He walks out and says "See you tomorrow Emma!" I nod at him. I turn to Letty and say "Dom's in the workshop as usual!" She nods and we all leave. When I get there I see Dom and Mia. They turn and say "Party at our house tonight, after racing. It's Emma's birthday." They turn to me and I groan. I say "Do we have to have a party for me? I hate my birthday!" Mia just says "Too bad! We are having a party!" Dom looks at me and says "Have you raced?" I smile and say "Do you think I have forgotten what you taught me?!" "I don't know you might've!" "Really? You think that of me?! How rude!" I start to turn while having a fake mad look. They all laugh so I spin and say "I raced while in New York! I'm fine to race here! I have my car and everything!" He nods and says "Do you want to race tonight?" I smile and nod. Mia says "You're still as weird as when we last talked!" I smirk, flip my hair over my shoulder and say "You know it!" She laughs at me. We go back to the shop and continue working. Once we stop we go to the workshop. I see Dom checking out my car, I smack the back of his head while I yell at him "My car is fine. Leave it alone you food!" He looks over at me and says "Just checking it out!" I shake my head and say "You could've checked it out at the race like we used to!" He laughs and shakes his head. He then rubs the back of his head and say "When did you get so strong?!" I look at him with a smirk and say "I started boxing and kickboxing. I also had a couple of street fights here and there." He laughs at me and says "Still like you used to be!" I nod my head. We all get into our cars and we leave. We get to the street race and see Brian there. I look at him while I pull up. The guys come over and say "Emma you're back!" I smirk and say "Didn't think I was leaving this place anytime soon, did ya boys! This is home and I have my family here!" They hug me and we all pull up to the line. Brain is next to me and Dom is on the other side of me. The girl walks up and says to Brian "Are you ready?" He yells back "Yea!" He revs his car. She points to Dom and I while saying "I know you two are ready!" I smirk and she says "3...2...Go!" We start racing. Dom and I are tied and Brian is behind all of us. I see Brian use his Nos and ends up next to me and Dom. I look at them and smirk. They look confused and I use my Nos. I get far in the front and then I cross the line. I get out of my car as they pull up. I say to Dom "I may have learned some more stuff while in New York!" He laughs and Brain looks at me and says "What was that?" I smile and say "I've been racing since I was 16!" He nods and I look at his car. I say to him "Yea I'm not taking that!" It's destroyed and Dom laughs. I say to him "I might let you keep your car since I know it's your favorite." He smiles and then we hear sirens. Someone yells "Cops!" We get into our cars and i drive away. I then pass an alley and see Dom and Brian, it looks like Brian helped Dom but his car was destroyed and cops are coming. I pull up and say "Get in!" They jump in and I speed away. We get back to the house. I pull in and Dom jumps out. He walks into the house and Brain and I are trailing behind him. I see Dom yell at someone as I run up to Mia's room. She says to me "You're late for your party!" I smirk and say "I had to save some stupids!" She laughs and I walk downstairs. I see Vince trying to hurt Brian and Dom yelling at Vince. I walk downstairs and say "Enough, you are acting stupid! Vince go calm down, Dom Letty wants to see you and Brian you are coming with me to get a water. They nod and walk away. I bring Brain into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. I look at him and say "You want something to drink?" "Yea a corona is good." I nod and hand him one. He says "I know I've only known you for one day but would you go on a date with me?" I look at him and say "I will tell you my answer tomorrow." He nods and I say "I'm going to go to bed, see ya tomorrow!" He smiles and nods as I leave. I yell to Vince "Be good! I will see you around!" He nods and I say "But I'm still mad at you and Dom!" He looks at me and says "Why not Brian?" "Because he didn't do anything! You started the fight and Dom was yelling at you while trying to stop it!" He nods and I walk upstairs. I walk into my old room and see people making out on my bed. I yell "Get out! And really on my bed? Now I have to wash the blankets!" They run out so I knock on Mia's door she says "Come in!" I walk in and say "I'm sleeping in your room tonight! People were making out on my bed so I need to wash the blankets." She laughs and I lay down on the cot next to her bed.

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