Chapter 7

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Over the next 3 days I had to have the medicine. Today I was completely healed. I did my daily routine and ran downstairs. I made breakfast, we said grace then ate. After I went out to the car and drove to the workshop. Dom went inside and I waited. After a minute I quietly opened the door and then stood there. I yelled "I'm baaaaaack!" They turn and laugh. I smirk and say "Now you'll have good lunches again!" Dom smiles and they start to work. Brain comes over and says "I'm going to be gone for a little while. I'm going to help one of my friends." I nod and hug him. He kisses me goodbye and leaves. I say to Dom "I'm going to the shop to help Mia! See you at lunchtime!" He nods and I leave. I walk up to the shop and go behind the counter. Mia comes over and says "Great now I won't have to feed the guys!" I laugh and start making lunch. Once I'm done, I eat my sandwich while bringing the guys their lunch. Once I'm at the shop they all come over. I hand out the food and they eat it quickly. I go back to the shop and Mia says "I have to go to the store. Can you close up today?" I nod and she leaves. I finish work at 5:00pm. I close up and drive to the house. I start making dinner for everyone. Once I'm done, I set it on the table. Dom and Mia come home and we say grace then eat. Once we finish, I start cleaning the house. I then go upstairs and go to bed. I wake up and cook breakfast. Dom comes downstairs and says "The crew and I are going to be gone for awhile. I don't know when we will be back. We're leaving after breakfast." I nod and Mia comes down. Dom tells her and we all eat.
~Time Skip to When Everyone's Back~
Mia had to leave to go to the doctors around lunchtime. She got sick at work so I made her. It's 3:30pm and I decided to close up early. Once I'm done, I go home. I walk into the kitchen and start cooking dinner. Mia comes home and she says "The doctor made me take some meds and now I'm on bedrest!" I laugh and she goes upstairs to her room. I finish dinner for us, and I set it all the table. I yell up to Mia "Come eat! I made chicken noodle soup!" She comes downstairs, we say grace then eat. Once we're done Mia goes back to her room and I clean up. I finish cleaning and I hear the door open, I grab a knife and walk towards it. I see Dom and the crew standing there, I sigh and say "How many times have I told you to tell me when you're going to be home Dom?!" He laughs and says "Sorry Emma! Do you have food for us though?" I nod and give them some soup. They sit down and I go up to my room. I get changed into pajamas and walk to Mia's room. She's laying on the bed watching a movie. I sit down next to her and say "Let's watch the movie together instead!" She nods and we watch it. When it's finished Mia is asleep so I tuck her in. I leave the room and quietly walk downstairs. I see everyone sitting there, but I just walk into the kitchen. I grab some chocolate ice cream and I start eating it. I walk out of the kitchen with my bowl and Dom looks at me. He sees my food and raises an eyebrow. I just shrug and say "I wanted ice cream! Mia is sick so be quiet and don't wake her up!" They nod and I go to my room. I lay down on my bed and watch a movie. I finish my ice cream, so I put it on my dresser. I start watching a different movie and I fall asleep. The next morning I walk downstairs and see everyone asleep in the living room. I go into the kitchen and start making breakfast for everyone. Once it's done I set the table. They all come in and sit down. We say grace, then eat. I grab a plate with toast and bring it up to Mia. She's asleep so I put it next to her and write a note saying that it's her breakfast. I leave the house and go up to the shop, I start cleaning then I open the doors for people to come in. I turn around to put away some money when I hear the door open. I look up and smile. I see Brian at the door and he comes and sits down across from me. I lean against the counter and say "How was your trip?" He lauggs and says "Eventful, we had to fight a dude and we almost died." When he says that last part I smack his head. I say "That's for being stupid!" He laughs and says "Where's Mia?" "She's sick, and sitting at home." He nods and says "Well I'm going to go to the workshop, see you at lunch!" I nod and he kisses me, he leaves and I start making lunch. I make Mac 'n Cheese, I walk down to the workshop and Dom sees what I have. He smiles and says "Yes! Emma's homemade Mac 'n Cheese!" Everyone smiles and runs up to get some. I laugh and put down the container. I sit down with them and eat. I say to Dom "How was your 'trip'?" He looks at me and says "It was fine." I nod and drop the subject. I then say "I have some new cars! You want me to bring them here?" He smiles and nods. Brian looks confused so I say "They saw my other cars when we left to London." He nods and I get a call. I pick it up and they say "Where do you want your cars?" "I will come pick them up." "Okay we are at the airport." I then turn to the guys and say "I have to go! I'm going to get the cars." They nod and I leave. I get to the airport and see a bunch of cars. I smile and say "Can you drive that one for me? Just follow me!" He nods and we get into the cars. We drive to the workshop and he parks it outside. I drive him back, then drive to the workshop again. Once I get there I pull in. Dom comes up and sees my Dodge Charger. Me smiles big and I say "I got it updated but it still looks old." He nods and I drive up to him. I park then go back outside. I grab the other car and drive in. Dom smiles and says "That the newer version of the Hypersport car?" I nod and he laughs. Brian looks at me and says "How did you afford this?!" "I have a lot of money saved." As I say that I smirk. Dom laughs and says "She does!" I smile at him and say "You can have the Dodge if you want." He nods and I throw the keys at him. Everyone else comes up to look at my car. I notice that Letty isn't here so I say "Where's Letty?" Done replies with "I will tell you later." I nod and say "I have to go, see you all later!" They nod and I leave.

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