Chapter 5

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The next day I wake up to arguing. I walk downstairs and see Mia and Brian. I clear my throat and Mia says to me "Brian has something to say." I look at Brian and he doesn't say anything, so Mia then says "Brian's a cop." I look at him and back away. Tears form in my eyes and I run upstairs. Mia yells at Brian to leave then comes up to me. She gives me a hug and says "Why did you freak out like that?" I look at her and said "Well we had a younger sister named Kyla. She never knew you guys because she was born after we moved." "What does she have to do with this?" "She was my closest sister other than Camie. She got into trouble with me too. She was part of my crew and we planned on leaving as soon as it was all over. But one day a guy named Braga caught her and I. We were stealing a car from him, and he caught us. He saw that I stepped in front of her so she wouldn't hurt her, but he ordered one of his men to grab her. He did and Braga cut her down the arm. Then he let us go and said "Never steal from me!" When you do it's like a suicide mission. Anyways at the time I was dating a guy. What I didn't know was that he was a cop. After leaving Braga the cops came. My 'boyfriend' knew I would protect Kyla with my life, so he said to them cops "I got this!" He turned to me and aimed a gun at me. He shot me in the leg and I fell. He then made me watch as he shot Kyla in the heart. So that's why I freaked out when you said Brian is a cop. The only cop I trust is Hobbs." She hugs me and I say "I'm gonna leave for a little while okay? I'm gonna go to London and stay there for awhile." She nods and I pack up. I walk out of my room and see Dom. I say "You heard the whole thing didn't you?" He nods and hugs me. I pull away after and say "I'm leaving for a little while. I will come back soon but I don't know when. Tell everyone I said bye and I love you!" He nods and I go outside. I get into my car and decide to stop at the workshop. I get there and see everyone. I get out and say "I'm leaving for a little while. I will come back soon. Ask Dom and Mia why!" They nod and I give them hugs. I get back into my car and drive towards the airport. I see Brian there and I start to drive towards my jet. He sees me and calls me. I shake my head and continue towards my jet. Once I get there I see Brian pull up next to me. He runs up and I flinch. He looks at me sadly and says "I'm sorry for not telling you! I was supposed to just get Dom." I shake my head and say "I can forgive and forget but I'm not going to just yet. I'm leaving for awhile. Bye." I wave and get on the plane. I feel bad but I can't just run out and forgive him. I choose to run out and hug him. I do it quick then leave. A couple hours later I'm in London. I drive to my mansion and unlock the door. I see Bradley standing there. I smile at him. He runs up and hugs me saying "We've missed you!" I hug back and say "I've missed you to, but it's good to be back. I'm only staying for a little while because I will have to go back to my family." He nods and I go to my room. Once I get there I collapse onto the bed. I fall asleep. I wake up in the morning and see breakfast sitting into the end of my bed. I smile and say grace then eat. I hear my cell ringing and I look at it. I see Mia's number so I answer. She says "How's London?" "Good! How's home and the family?" "Well they are very good! We have a surprise!" "What is it?" "Can't say but I have to go! Bye!" "Bye!" I hear a knock at my door when I hang up. I go and open it. I see Bradley, he says "Come downstairs we need to talk." I nod and say "Let me get ready!" He nods and I take a quick shower, change, brush my teeth and hair. I walk out and start to walk with Bradley. I braid my hair as we walk. Once I'm done, he leads me to the living room but as we get to the doors he covers my eyes. I say "What's going on?" He laughs and we walk in. He puts his hands down and I see my family. I smile and run up to Mia and hug her. I then hug everyone else and say "Was this my surprise?" Mia nods and I say "Well I love it!" She laughs and I say to everyone "Do you want to see your rooms? When I got the place I made sure all of you had a room." They nod and we walk upstairs. Everyone is staring at the stuff I go to the room next to mine and the door says 'Mia' she walks in and we go to the next. It says 'Dom&Letty' they walk in and I go to the one across from my room it says 'Vince' he walks in and I lead the rest of them to their rooms. Once they are done. I walk into my room and start working on some paperwork. I hear a knock and I yell "Come in!" In walks Mia, she sits on my bed and says "I love my room! You designed it perfectly!" I smile at her and say "That was the plan! And you can explore if you want to." She nods and leaves. I start writing a letter to Hobbs. It says
Dear Hobbs,
I finally went to the home I told you about. My family lives there and I had a lot of fun. I had to leave though, I found out that a guy that I liked was a cop. You know how I only trust you, and no one else that's a cop. So I freaked out and ran to my home in London. Once I got here I went to bed, I woke up and saw my family was here. I showed them their rooms and then I started on paperwork. If you ever want to come over you can. I had a room made for you to be in. It matches your personality. I think I might decide to completely restart my life. Except my family part, I would get a new name and everything. I don't know if I should. I'm probably going to go on a vacation soon and just be by myself later. I won't have to deal with anyone. I forgot to tell you that I have a new car. It's a Lykan Hypersport. It's amazing. It's the only one made so far. I have it here in London. I think I might go on a drive to clear my head. I miss you!

Once I finish the letter I put it in an envelope. I put the info on it and hand it to someone. They send it off and I walk into the living room. I see Dom sitting there and thinking. I say to him "Want to go on a drive? I have a car that's not even out yet. I own a road that no one can drive on. It's on a mountain." He looks at me and smiles. He says "Let's go for a drive!" I smile and leave a note saying Dom and I went on a drive. We get to the car and Dom looks at it. He says "This is a nice ride." He examines everything and we get into the car. I start driving to the road. Once I get there I say "Want to see how fast this car goes?" He smiles and says "Ride or die." I start driving. We go really fast and Dom says "Do you have Nos in this?" I shake my head and he says "This is a beast!" I smile and we continue to drive. We finally turn around and drive back. I say "I'm taking a back road where no one can find us. So we can't get chased by the police." He nods and I turn. We continue driving until we reach my house. Everyone was standing outside. And I drive straight past them and into the garage. We get out and walk to them. Letty says "Where did you get that?" I smile and say "The car's not even out yet. That's the prototype, they are going to make it better and once they do they are sending me the first one!" She nods and says "Can I go check it out?" I nod and say "Bring Dom with you. I think he found another car that he loves." They smile and leave. I turn to Vince and say "Come with me." He nods and I say to everyone "We will be back later!" They nod and I go into the garage. I say to Vince "Pick any car, these ones are the fastest." He nods and picks a random one. I grab the keys and we get into the car. I start driving to the airport. Once we get there I tell the pilot to go to NY. He nods and Vince and I sit down. Eventually we get to the cemetery that Camie's at. I show Vince her gravestone and he starts talking to her. I sit in the car so he can do it alone. Once he's done we go back. He says to me "Thank you! That really helped." I nodded and we got back to London.

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