Chapter 4

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I wake up at 6 and start making breakfast. I finish and everyone comes down. We eat and Mia says "It's Sunday! Emma you have to cook lunch for the crew! We are eating here!" I nod and she cleans up as I go and grab food. I pull out the grill and start it. I cook chicken, steak, hamburgers and hotdogs. I then make salad and I cut up fruits and veggies. I make a fruit salad and put it on the table. Once I'm done everyone is here. We all sit down and Vince says grace. We dig in and once we are done, Dom says to me "After I want to talk to you." I nod and grab the bowl of fruit salad. We all eat it and then we finish. Letty and Mis take the dishes and start washing them. Dom takes my arm and brings me into the garage. He says "Is there anything you want to say?" I hesitate not wanting to say anything. He then says "Emma you're hesitating what is it?" I look at the ground and say "There's many things you don't know. What do you want to know about?" "First I want to hear how Camie really is, then I want to hear where those froends you were on the phone with really are from." "Okay I will answer the second part first. The people I was talking to on the phone are in Spain and London. And Camie isn't good. She had cancer and about 3 years ago she died. I went to visit her grave the other day." "Sorry about that." He gives me a hug and I just continue looking down. He then says "How to you know people in London and Spain?" I groan because I don't want to say. He says "Emma just tell me everything." I look at him and say "Well when I was 16 and half. I got into some trouble. I had some jobs to do. I went to London and got them done. After those jobs I got paid a lot of money. Then I had another couple of jobs in Spain. I got money from those too. I also did some in Brazil. Those we really big ones. I got paid A LOT of money from those jobs. Right now I have a mansion in each of those places. No one but a certain select people know where they are. I have friends taking care of them right now. They thought I was dead, but I told them when I got back here from visiting Camie." "How much money do you have Emma?" "$999,000,000,000." I mumble. He then says "Emma what exactly did you do?" "Ummm can I not answer that?" "No. Emma I want to know!" "3 jobs were stealing a bunch of expensive cars. 5 jobs were stealing money from these people that were killing people. And the last 2 were from helping a man in the military named Hobbs get some stuff back, after I did that I got money and I'm not wanted anymore." "Okay and when were you planning on telling this?" "When I had to." "Okay let's go back to the family. We've been gone for a long time." I nod and we start walking back. I see Brian's car out front. I walk up to him and he hugs me. I say "When did you get here?" "About 5 minutes ago. Mia invited me but I see I missed the food." "Nope just go ask for some fruit salad, I made it. They will give it to you." He nods and leaves I go back to the family. We all sit around and talk until Vince speaks up and says "Why hasn't Camie come around?" I look at Dom then say "She has been busy with work. She doesn't have time to come around." Vince nods and turns away. Dom gives me a stern look and I just shrink into my chair. He mouths to me "We will talk about this later!" I shake my head at him. Letty saw this and raised and eyebrow at me. I just mouthed "Talk later or better yet ask Dom!" She nods and leaves it alone. Around 3 everyone but Letty leaves. So it's me Dom and Letty. Letty then says "So what did Dom say to you?" I groan and Dom says "Emma you should tell the whole family!" I just nod and tell Letty everything. She nods and says "How did you end up in that trouble?" I smirk and say "Me being a dumbass!" She laughs and Dom says "When are you going to tell everyone?" Then the whole family comes in as he says that. Mia then speaks up and says "Tell us about what?" I glare at some and he says "You had to eventually!" I groan and look at my lap. I tell everyone what I told Dom and Letty. Mia comes up hugs me and then smacks me in the back of the head. I look at her and raise an eyebrow. She says "One why didn't you tell us? Two that was stupid! And three why did you keep all the information away from us and how did you not get shown on tv?" I look at her and say "Paying them to not talk about who did it. And I think they did talk about me when I took the money from those guys!" She groans and says "How are you so stupid?!" I laugh and say "I don't want to get into trouble, I try to stay out of it! But trouble always finds me!" She looks at me and I look to Vince. He has tears running down his face so I walk up to him and hug him. I say "She never told you, but she loved you too. She was so sad when we had to leave. And her last words were "I love you Vince, I always have!" He nods and hugs me back. I let go of him and sit down on the couch. I pull out a book and start reading. I hear Dom clear his throat so I look at him. He says to me "After you told them all that you just sit down and read?" I nod and go back to my book. Letty laughs and everyone does their own thing.

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