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"Will she be ok?" came the high pitched voice of a child.  Ahsoka did not have the energy to open her eyes or reply. She guessed she was in some kind of vehicle by the way she was being bumped up and down.
"Trust me kid, if anyone is strong enough to pull through this it's Snips." Rex is here. She relaxed a little. Rex would know what to do. A new softer sound caught her attention as she faded in and out.  It was soft sniffling. She realized that the youngling was holding back sobs. She willed herself to open her eyes to comfort her but her body did not obey.

"Its okay. You're safe now," said Rex trying to be gentle but it was clear from the tone of his voice that  dealing with upset children had not been part of his programing. "What's your name little one?" Rex glanced over his shoulder plate at the little human girl in the back of his speeder. She had been small to begin with but now she had pulled into her self trying to make herself as small as possible. Her big green eyes filled with held back tears. She was crouched over Ahsoka who Rex had laid in the back of the speeder after she had passed out. The girl's hair brushed Ahsoka's face, the color matching Ahsoka's skin, as the kid tried to awaken her protector. "Do you have a nickname?" Rex tried again trying to get the terrified girl's attention.

"MJ, my friends call me MJ." Suddenly uncontrollable tears began to spill  down her cheeks and onto Ahsoka's face. "My friends are all dead. Master Skywalker killed them." She fixed Rex with glare that made him shudder. He had never seen a child look so scary. A shadow fell over her face mixed with the red glow from a passing transport made her look much older than she was as she spoke. "I am going to kill him. I am going to kill Skywalker."  

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