A New Hope

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The Senator's arrival with Master Yoda brought needed joy to the little group. Ahsoka felt that if anyone would know what to do next it was Master Yoda who had led the jedi for hundreds of years. His arrival was shortly followed by the dark cloud of Obi-wan's arrival. Obi-wan had not come alone. Ahsoka's heart which had already broken sunk even further as she saw the medical droids rushing Padme away from Obi-wan's ship. When she saw Obi-wan she knew if Anakin's betrayal had crushed her it had destroyed Obi-wan. Obi-wan and Anakin had known each other for far longer and had been closer to brothers than Master and padwan. Anakin had been older than most padwans having been taken from his family later than most jedi and Obi-wan had been made a jedi with a padwan earlier than most, making them closer in age and closer than most jedi. Now Obi-wan seemed to have grown old and tired even though he was not much older than her master. Obi-wan didn't meet Ahsoka questioning eyes. He stared intently at the ground as he spoke. Not from fear of her but because he couldn't handle her reaction right now.

"He's dead...I...killed him," the jedi who was always so professional voice broke. Ahsoka wondered at her own reaction. Her heart had skipped a beat at the news but that was it. It was as if the news felt unreal, as if she could not believe that Anakin was truly dead.

"What happened to Padme?"

"Anakin," was his only reply. They were interrupted by a droid telling to them to come to the medcenter. They followed at a fast pace.

"You mean, she's dying?" asked Obi-wan in shock at its news about Padme.

"Yes, it seems that she has lost the will to live. If we operate fast we might be able to save the babies."


"She is carrying twins," said the droid. Ahsoka watch with a mixture of sadness and horror from behind the glass of the operating room next to Master Yoda as Padame gave birth and named her children, Luke and Leia. She wanted to go out there and yell at her. Tell her she had lots to live for, her children being two but she knew that doing so would do no good. Her hope faded as she watched her friend take her last breath. It all hit her at once the death of the republic, the jedi, her friends.

"So there is no hope. The sith have won," said Ahsoka watching the proceedings in the medroom with gloom.

"Ummm," started Master Yoda "No hope, there is not. New hope, there is." At that moment Obi-wan turned around to face the window a small bundle in his arms and a tiny hint of a smile on his face.

"The twins are powerful in the force like their father," commented Ahsoka understanding.

"The boy, to be raised by the Lars, Master Obi-wan will go to protect him. Yes," said Yoda.

"And the baby girl?" asked Ahsoka.

"To be raised by the Senator's family on Alderaan," answered Yoda.

"So master, what is to become of me, if you are protecting Leia and Obi-wan is protecting Luke? What am I going to do?" said Ahsoka hating that her words made her sound like a whiny child but she had hoped Yoda would give her some direction.

"Protect the baby I will not. Protect the baby and train your own padwan you will Master Ahsoka." Ahsoka was so shocked by Yoda words she forgot to ask her next question out loud.

"I am honored Master," she managed giving a polite bow. "I will try my best." If Yoda had an eyebrow he would have raised it. "I mean, I will do my best." Yoda nodded approvingly. "Excuse me master, but what padawan?" Yoda was not the voice that answered her question.

"I think he is kind of cute," said MJ nose pressed to the glass looking at the baby boy held by Obi-wan.

"How did you get in here?" Ahsoka scolded. MJ stuck out her bottom lip in defiance and gave Ahsoka a stubborn glare in answer. Oh great, thought Ahsoka A stubborn padawan. This is pay back for all the grief I gave my master. A real smile spread over the old jedi's face as he looked at the two newest members of the jedi order.

"A new hope you are."

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