Nathan the Fiend

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Laxus and Mira have been in a relationship ever since the Grand Magic Game. However, Laxus is taking his relationship with Mira for far too slow, never taking it to the next level. Even after a month has passed, he has never once asked her out on a date nor to be on a mission with him. Laxus also rarely visits the guild and is constantly oblivious to his lack of love and attention that Mira has always been yearning for.

Back inside the guild, Mira has been wiping the same spot on her glass for minutes behind the counter. Until...

"Earth to Mira. You there?" A good-looking stranger waves his hand by her face after sitting on the stool in front of her. The man is very tall and muscular comparable to that of Laxus. His hair is brown, spiky, and slicked to the back while his skin is slightly tanned. Moreover, he is wearing a tight black tank top and a military cargo pants ( top page picture ).

"Oh, Nathan, it's you." Mira finally snaps back to reality, awkwardly gazing back at the man as she puts down her glass.

Mira recognizes Nathan as the guild's newcomer, yet the man has already proven himself worthy of the S-class title after he had overpowered Erza, Gray, and Natsu in a rumble without even breaking a sweat with his fiend soul take over.

"Mira, what's wrong?" Nathan whispers, placing his hand on top of hers while gazing into her eyes. "Why is a gorgeous angel such as yourself frowning?"

Nathan is indeed flirting with her, and Mira knows better than to fall in love with another man, but damn does she find Nathan hot! Mira can feel her face burning up, so she tries not to stare into his gaze as she slowly pulls her hand away from him. "I'm alright... Just thinking about my boyfriend..."

"You mean Laxus? That stuck-up man who is always too afraid to fight me?"

"Hehe~ You're lucky to have Laxus decline your challenge, or else he would've wiped the floor with you."

"Oh, is that so? Wanna bet?" Nathan smirks at Mira, and his smirk only reminds her more of Laxus. With her head dropped to the floor, Mira dodges the question before walking out from behind the bar toward the aisle. "Hey, where are you going? Let me come with you."

"Don't." Mira stops to glance back at Nathan. "I need some time to be alone..." With that, Mira exits the guild and walks her way to Magnolia South Gate Park. She soon finds herself sighing with her back leaning against the bark of the gigantic tree in the middle of the park.

Mira indeed knew that Laxus is not boyfriend material, but she has had enough of Laxus always neglecting her and treating her as if she's his trophy girlfriend. Truth be told, Mira has recently been considering about breaking up with Laxus, and here today she found her heart racing when Nathan flirted with her, so is it perhaps about time for her to move on...?

"You deserve better, Mira." A deep and husky voice similar to Laxus' excites Mira, however disappointment soon replaces her excitement as Nathan wraps his arm around her waist.

"Nathan, I told you not to follow me..."

"I know, but I couldn't stop worrying about you."

"You were?"

"Uh. I know exactly what you are going through, how Laxus has been mistreating you." Nathan turns Mira around and locks his hands on her shoulders so that their eyes gazes into each other. "That stops now! I can give you all the things Laxus should've done! Let me be the man who loves you with all his heart!"


"I love you, Mira. I really do."


When I Was Your Man ( Fairy Tail, Miraxus )Where stories live. Discover now