Laxus vs. Nathan

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The moon shines so ever bright, and the wind whistles across the park as Laxus and Nathan march toward each other. Under the shade of the majestic giant tree, their heads in no time. "Swear upon your life that you will honor your bet!" Laxus glares, boring deep into the eyes of the smirking man.

"That goes to you too. Now come at me with all you've got and don't hold back!"

The two leap back simultaneously before taking their respective fighting stances. Laxus discharges lightning all around himself while Nathan activates his fiend soul which gradually transforms him into a humanoid creature clad in brown barbed leather armor. Furthermore, vampiric wings viciously sprout behind his back, and his teeth sharpen into fangs along with his nails.

"Gyaaaargh!!!" Nathan roars.

Unfazed in the slightest, Laxus strips into his black sleeveless shirt as he hurls his coat away toward the tree bark. "Come, I'm ready whenever you are." He wags his fingers twice toward his palm. Then, it happens in a blink of an eye. Laxus barely jumps out of the way when Nathan's fist is suddenly just inches away from his face. "Damn... he's fast."

"You've seen nothing yet!" Nathan catches Laxus by his forearm in the air and throws him over his shoulder, slamming him down to the ground the way Laxus did to him back at the alley.


"Tell me. How do you like the taste of your own medicine?"

"Grr." Flashing himself off the ground, Laxus reappears behind Nathan with a murderous intent in his eyes, however Nathan quickly goes aerial before Laxus can land his fist. "Bad move!" A huge lightning bolt emerging from the sky instantly strikes Nathan back to the ground, paralyzing him on his knee.

"Not bad... not bad at all." Nathan chuckles. His paralyzed body recovers fast as he wobbly gets up on his feet, but before he knows what hit him, Laxus has send an uppercut up his jaw followed by a spinning left hook to his guts. "Gargh!" He coughs up blood.

"You may be fast, but I will always be faster." Laxus continues to deliver punches after punches toward the face as Nathan coughs up even more blood. Until his hands are going numb, Laxus grabs Nathan by his neck and ruthlessly pins him down to the ground with him. "That's enough... *panting* You've lost."

"Heh, think again."

"Hmm? W-what the!" Laxus' eyes widen as his body unexpectedly levitates on its own.

"Telekinesis." Nathan raises his hand. "I never thought you'd push me so far as to resort to my signature psychic power. You... you shall now know the true meaning of pain!" The moment Nathan clenches his fist, excruciating pain immediately soars throughout Laxus' body as his every rib fractures from inside.


"Scream louder for me! Make me feel even more alive!" Nathan laughs like a villain watching Laxus writhe in pain. As if torturing him from the inside isn't enough, Nathan proceeds to slam Laxus over and over against the ground with his telekinesis until he breaks a rib or two.

"Ugh! Ngh! Arghhh!"

"Hahaha! You might as well give up now. There ain't no way a mere lightning user like you can hope to lay a finger on me!"

Laxus eventually drops face down on the surface, and Nathan saunters toward the panting dragon slayer before crouching down beside him. With a wide grin on his face, he grabs a handful of Laxus' blonde hair to lifts his face up toward his. "Huh, just look at you now. How the mighty have fallen."

"You coward... fight me like a man."

"Speaking of man, what makes you think that Mira would want an inconsiderate man like you? For her sake, you should just let her find her happiness with me, a man capable of truly loving her!"

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