Let Her Go

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All eyes are on the furious dragon slayer as he is striding through the guild aisle. Not knowing what to do, Mira instinctively hides behind Nathan before clinging to his arm, angering Laxus even more. 

"Mira, you and me outside, we need to talk!"

"Oi, oi, oi! Hands off my girlfriend!" Nathan shoves Laxus by his chest before he can get his hand on Mira, then protectively spreads his arms over Mira just like a bird to its young.

"Mira? Your girlfriend!? That's preposterous!" Laxus clenches his fist while growling at Nathan. He later turns his attention to Mira. "Hey, don't just stand there! Say something!"


Laxus stares in disbelief after Mira had only kept staring at the floor. It is one thing for Mira to break his heart, but for her to date another man is more than Laxus can handle, especially when that man is Nathan.

"Mira, how could you do this to me...?"

"I-I can explain..."

"She doesn't have to explain anything to you, so do us a favor and scram already!" Nathan yells as he confronts Laxus until their chests collide, boastfully lifting up his head while he and Laxus grimaces at each other.

"What, you wanna fight!?" 

Laxus and Nathan shrouds themselves in strong magical auras, and everyone to the exception of Mira immediately scoots for safety in a panic.

"Please stop! I don't want any of you to get hurt!" Mira yells.

"The only one who'll get hurt is your phony little boyfriend here!" Laxus yells, not taking his eyes off Nathan. 

"Face it, Mira dumped you and chose me over you. You're a reject, that's what you are!"

"Grr! I dare you to say that again!"

"I said stop!" Mira is desperately tugging Laxus and Nathan by their shirts to separate them, however her effort is to no avail. If anything, the staring contest only intensifies by the second, and their overwhelming magical pressure is beginning to suffocate her. Mira finally has had enough. "Laxus! That's enough with you! Leave us both in peace!"

Laxus stares yet again in disbelief, hesitantly drawing his face away from Nathan and taking a step back as his magic forsakes him. "... Are you actually standing up for him, and not me?"

"I'm not standing up for anyone. It's just that you started it, so it's only natural that I come at you..."

"Heh, that's my girl! Now be a good boy and scram, would ya~" Nathan shoos Laxus away after neutralizing his magic, earning a scowl from him.

"Nathan, that's enough with you too. Stop provoking him."

"You got it, babe~" Nathan winks at Mira before pulling her into his arm. This for Laxus, is undoubtedly the last straw, and he can only restrain himself by biting his lower lip.

"Hmph!" Laxus flings his coat behind him so that they flutter as he flips around. He stops to take one last look at Mira, then sighs when she still denies him of eye contact. Laxus eventually decides to swallow his pride as he walks out the guild with eyes gazing at his back.

Tension finally settles down inside the guild and everyone is back to their respective routine.

"You okay, babe?"

"No, I feel terrible Laxus has to find out about our relationship the hard way."

"Don't be. It's his own fault for not giving you the chance to tell him."

When I Was Your Man ( Fairy Tail, Miraxus )Where stories live. Discover now