I Am Your Man

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"Laxus!?" Nathan gulps down at the sight of the furious dragon slayer, taking two steps back toward the bar stools. Meanwhile Mira hurriedly runs past him to help her man who's struggling just making his way across the aisle. Her action, undeniably, infuriates Nathan.


"H-hey!" She catches his fall in time, then moves his arm around her shoulder for support. "Laxus, you shouldn't be here. You're obviously still not in any shape to be moving around just yet."

"You underestimate me, Mira. Besides... you bunch are completely hopeless without me." Turning his attention back to Nathan, Laxus yells at the top of his lungs with his finger outstretched, "Now then, admit your guilt!"

"Ggh..." Wavering at first, Nathan quickly recovers as he snickers like a villain with his head held high. "Bullshit, all of it! Throwing such accusation without any solid proof... These two are merely in cahoots to get rid of me."

Laxus sighs before clasping his hands halfway. "Then you leave me no choice." Concentrating intense magical power between his palms, he gradually envelops the entire guild with massive blinding sphere of light while shaking the ground itself. His wounds slowly reopens from the pressure, much to Mira's dismay. "Magic don't lie, Nathan, so what is it gonna be!?"

At that very moment, Nathan falls to his knees sweating like a pig. "Right, alright I admit! I admit to everything I'd done!"

The guild immediately bursts into an uproar after Laxus nullifies his spell. Therefore Makarov finally decides to jump down from the second floor railing, and just like that, the commotion quickly dies down. "Nathan, everyone in Fairy Tail is your family, yet you... not only did you steal but also endanger the life of your family. That's unforgivable!"

"Yeah?" Nathan snickers as he turns his head around. "What'cha gonna about it, old man?"

Another commotion breaks out inside the guild.

"Silence! You are to surrender yourself to the magic council this instance and never show your face here ever again!"

"Huh, you are not the boss of me." An intense magical pressure gradually surrounds Nathan as everyone excluding Laxus, Mira, and Makarov, backs away in fear. Sprouting wings behind his back, Nathan soon assumes his full-body soul takeover. "Gyarghhhhhhh!" His roar's fiendish and voluminous.

"Stop him! Don't let him get away!" Makarov commands.

Mira and Laxus can only watch as their lesser guildmates gang on the fiend only to be defeated one after another. Nathan has gotten so much vicious. When he points his claws at Makarov, however, Laxus finally has had enough and flashes away from Mira despite her disapproval. "Back off!" he barely parries the fiend's claws in time. "Don't you dare lay a finger on gramp!"

Seeing as how Laxus is catching his breath, Nathan grins an evil smile before glancing at the defenseless girl behind him. "Bad move, pal." He sends Laxus flying to Makarov with a kick then dashes for Mira. "You! If I can't have you, then no one can!"


"Mira, don't just stand there! Get out of the way!" Laxus yells.

Nathan's claws are just an inch away from impaling Mira, but a magical presure that rivals even his own suddenly repels him along with flying chairs and tables. Before him, now stands a furious demon.

"You picked the wrong wizard to mess with." The demon cracks her knuckles.

"Impressive... so this is the infamous demon I've heard so much about."

When I Was Your Man ( Fairy Tail, Miraxus )Where stories live. Discover now