Say Something

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"I promise to love you forever, till the day I die."

"That's right... I can't die yet... not here..." Lying flat and powerless on his chest, the dying man digs his fingers deep into the moist red-stained ground and groans as his entire body perishes in pain. He forces himself up but immediately splashes right back into his pool of blood. "Gah, ah..." Even so, he refuses to give up.

Meanwhile, somewhere close by on the lonely street, catching her breath and splashing through the puddles is none other than his beloved.

"Laxus, please be alright..." The constant screaming of a man echoing throughout the street has long stopped, making Mira that much more anxious for she could only imagine what Laxus may have gone through. "Laxus! Where are you!?"


Mira wastes no time sprinting toward where the scream was coming from. Nothing, however, prepares her more for what she's about to see when she finally arrives by the park climbing stair.

A huge lightning strike reveals Laxus standing lifeless between her and the giant tree while covering his open front wound with his bare hand. His face is bruised and battered; so is his upper body. Trail of blood lingers behind him while the rain continues to wash away even more down his abdomen.

Mira drops her umbrella at the sight.

"Laxus!" She rushes toward him without paying much attention to the stairs, causing her to trip the whole way down until she splashes into a puddle of mud below. Getting dirty however is the least of her concerned right now. She quickly recovers and once more rushes for Laxus.

"What happened!? Who did this to you!?" Mira asks, to which Laxus only stays silent even when she later shakes his forearms for answers. The dull, dreary look in his eyes remains unchanged.

"Laxus, please, say something."


"Say something, please!"


It is only by then that Mira notices the trajectory of Laxus' eyes staring down at what seems to be pieces of photograph floating on the ground and realizes how devastated Laxus must have been.

"You came..." Laxus finally whispers.

"Oh, Laxus, thank God. We need to get you treated, fast!"

"Don't bother. I'm not gonna make it..." Laxus promptly falls forward into Mira's embrace, and as his bare chest is pressing hard against her breast, Mira can feel the thundering beat of his heart as well as his heavy breathing around her neck. Carefully, she moves him down to the ground along with her before resting his head on top of her lap.


"Hush, don't talk. Save your strength." Mira chews her lower lips at the frail sympathetic look Laxus is giving her, the very same look Lisanna once gave her on that tragic night. Fate plays such cruel tricks. She never thought it would force to relive the same painful moment again.

"Gah!" Laxus coughs up some blood, causing Mira to panic as she rubs his chest around with her hand. Terrified of what death has in store for him, Laxus weakly reaches out his hand to Mira. "Hold my hand and don't let go. That's... my only final wish."

Sending tears like raindrops down Laxus' face, Mira shakes her head as she folds her hands around his trembling hand, "No... you are going to make it. I beg you please don't do this to me!"

"Listen, you have to let me go. I am nothing but a horrible man you've shed enough tears for. This is for the best."

"You're wrong. " Mira shakes her head yet again as she tightens the grasp of her hands. "Laxus, being with you was the happiest moment of my life."

When I Was Your Man ( Fairy Tail, Miraxus )Where stories live. Discover now