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Sitting on the edge of the bed, Laxus hisses in pain the moment Mira applies an ice pack around his black, swollen right eye.

"Leave that on for at least twenty minutes, okay?"

"Fine..." He reluctantly presses it against his face while watching Mira soak a white towel inside a bucket of hot water before wringing it, groaning from time to time as she later cleans the blood-tainted spots on his arms, body, and face.

"How could anyone possibly do something so cruel..."

"Beats me. He must've really hated me."

Biting her lip, Mira proceeds to wrap bandages across Laxus' chest from his waist and then wraps even more around his rock hard abs where the stab wound is.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, watch it will ya!"

"Laxus!" She scolds him. "Stop moving so I can treat you properly. Honestly... you're such a big baby."

"Tch, whatever." Laxus looks away to his side, and there it is again, his usual pouting face that Mira finds extremely adorable. She swears she could just eat him up right now. "Just promise you'll be more gentle..."

"Promise." A big smile from her is all it takes for Laxus to behave before she picks up where she left off, catching only a moan from the man as she does. "There, all's done~" She pecks him on the cheek as reward.

"Thanks." His smirk is charming, and Mira starts turning red. She does after all secretly find him somewhat more attractive with wounds and bandages on, for they make him look so much badass.

"Y-you're welcome. Well, it's really late. I shall be over in Lisanna's room if you need me, okay?" Before she can walk away from him, however, Laxus quickly grabs her wrist to stop her but accidentally pulls her down instead on her bottom to his lap, causing Mira to shriek while he himself starts to panic.

It sure was awkward.

"Err, Laxus? Just what do you think you're doing?" Her eye twitches. However soon to her surprise, Laxus suddenly pulls her into his arms and rests his chin on her shoulder without a care where he had just dropped his ice pack.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. It's just... now that I finally have you back, I wish you could stay with me for a little bit longer..."

"Oh, Laxus, all you needed to do was ask."

Laxus sniffs her around the neck, taking in her pleasant cherry smell he yearned so much. "Damn it, Mira... I missed you so much." he whispers; his hand's grasping tight on her bed sheet. The next thing he knows, Mira has turned around and reached her arms behind his neck while her legs now hangs loosely on each side of his thigh. Her big blue eyes captivate him.

"I missed you just as much." She whispers back. Her finger slowly trails down to his bare chest, turning Laxus on as the color of his cheeks now matches hers. "You and me... let's make this a night to remember..."

Despite being severely injured, Laxus surprisingly doesn't hesitate one bit to give her a nod. "Then you'd best prepare yourself, for the night has only just begun." He grins, and Mira promptly pushes him down to bed before straddling on top of him to find her position.

"Oh, Laxus, you have no idea how long I've waited for this..."

"Heh, then what are you still waiting for?"

The room atmosphere quickly turns romantic the moment Laxus dims the light after switching off the table lamp. It is by then Mira finally starts unzipping his pants.

When I Was Your Man ( Fairy Tail, Miraxus )Where stories live. Discover now