An Idol?!

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You rolled over to the side on the bed and smiled. His beautiful face was angel like as he slept. You ran your hand on the side of his face, as you adored the smoothness under your skin.
"You like what you see?" He opened his mouth, making you gasp in surprise. "I didn't know you where awake." You said, your Hanguk broke as you spoke, but for him it only made him like you more. "But that didn't answer my question." He smirked as he sat up, leaning his weight on his arm as he looked at you. Blushing you looked down and he knew that you where too embarrassed to say what you felt.
"Noona, you're too cute." He hugged you and you felt his warm skin on yours. You looked up and saw him smirk. "You make me crazy." He breathed out and you felt his hard tip poke you. He started to kiss you, dominating your mouth and body. You could never have thought that this boy was such a man in bed. "Noona, I love you." He groaned between the kisses as you only moaned his name. "Taehyung-ah."

You sat up in the bed and put on your robe. "Where are you going?" Taehyung asked you as he looked at how you moved.
"The shower, I can't go to the fan meeting smelling like sex." You smiled as you walked to the bathroom where the large shower was located. Taehyung on the other hand smirked to himself; he knew that he had kept his identity a secret. He knew you had to go to his fan meeting with your cousin, and he knew that he would be having a lot of fun when you realize that he's the Taehyung.
You and Taehyung met not long ago. It was when you first moved to Korea, your Hanguk was very bad and he found it remarkably cute. He fell for you at first sight.

You where walking down the road, holding hands with your cousin, who was only 8 years old. You had flown to Korea to live with them, because your parents had died in a car crash and your cousin and her family was the only relatives you had left.
The two of you walked past a park, you accidently made eye contact with Taehyung as you talked to your cousin, who hadn't noticed him walking past. Taehyung, on the other hand, had stopped and looked at you as you walked. He had decided to follow you as the two of you entered the park. Your cousin was on the swings with some other girls in her age, possibly some of her friends, while you sat on a bench not so far away. Taehyung saw you and smiled to himself as he sat down next to you.
"Isn't it the best thing in the world? Watching kids play?" You looked up and met his cute and beautiful smile. You blushed as you looked down.
"I-It is..." You said as you smiled to yourself, not knowing what else to say to this beautiful stranger. "Anyone there you know?" He asked, clearly knowing the answer, but he still asked.
"The girl with a blue beanie..." You said as you looked at him. "Do you know them any?" You tried your best to not mess up your Hanguk, but some parts where wrong. He smiled at your mistake and you blushed eve more, cursing yourself for making a mistake.
"Annyo." He said as he blew his breath on his cold hands, he didn't seem to have gloves. "What's her name?" He asked and you looked up.
"Yeeun, Jang Yeeun." You said as you smiled at your cousin. She waved at you and you waved back.
"Can I ask for your name then?" Taehyung asked as he looked at you. "_______. My name's _______." You said as you looked down. The snow started to color the ground white.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said and smiled. "Mine's Taehyung." The wind blew more, making his hair blow over his forehead. You smiled as you pulled out your hand.
"It's nice to meet you, Taehyung." You smiled as he took your hand, shaking it in a smile. "It's nice to meet you too, ______."


The queue was rather long and you sighed.
"Unni, when do you think we will get in?" Yeeun asked as she shook from the cold. "Oh, I hope soon." You said as you hugged her, trying to warm her up. It didn't take long before they let everyone in, and you could hear how exited Yeeun was. You where going to meet her favorite band, BTS. You had never heard of them, but you still followed with her when her parents, your uncle and aunt, asked you if you could follow her. Yeeun was to young to go alone, and off course you agreed to follow her.
The seats you got weren't the best, but you allowed Yeeun to sit in your lap, so she could see something. You weren't able to see anything, but you heard everything. Their voices and the songs, you didn't have to see their faces to know why Yeeun liked them. Suddenly there was a voice that spoke, and Yeeun turned around.
"We can get to talk to them!" She where so exited that her body shook. You smiled and tried to clam her down. "Unni, do you have the papers?" Yeeun asked as you stood in the queue, you smiled and showed her the papers.
"T-the rice cakes?" You smiled as you bent down next to her. "I have it all, don't worry." You smiled as you took her hand. "So, who's your favorite?" You asked as you took a closer step to the scene where the idols sat.
"J-Jungkook oppa..." She blushed as she pointed at the middle of the table, the only person who could be seen. You smiled as you hugged her. "We will get to him, don't worry." You smiled as the queue moved forward. You where getting closer and closer to them all, and Yeeun squeezed your hand tighter.
Soon it was your turn to go up, you stood on your knees as Yeeun stood up, as short as she was. The first boy was probably somewhere in your age. Yeeun gave the paper to him and he smiled.
"What's your name?" He asked sweetly as he looked at the innocent girl next to you. "Y-Y-Yeeun..." She couldn't take her eyes away from him and he smiled widely. "And your name?" He asked you and you looked up at him. "____." You smiled to him as he looked at you. He too noticed that you had an accent that was unpredictable. He looked down onto the paper and smiled as he wrote on a paper and gave it to Yeeun. "Here you go," He looked up and took another paper from a pile of pictures, he started to write something on it and when he was done he looked at you and smiled. He handed you the picture and winked. You blushed as you looked down on Yeeun who looked at her own paper with a huge smile. "Kamshamida Hoseok oppa!" She smiled and you bowed as you two walked to the next person.
"Annyeong! What's your name, little cute girl?" Yeeun handed the boy her paper and smiled. "Yeeun, Jin oppa!" She had gained more courage but she was still flustered to talk to him. "What a cute name! Here, have this bow. A present from me!" He gave her a small cute bow that was pink.
"B-but oppa... It's yours." She looked up at him and he smiled. "But it's my present for you. A thanks from me to you that you came here." He patted her head and she looked up. "Jjinja?" He smiled as he took the bow and clipsed it to her hair.
"It's cute on you." He smiled as he patted her hair again. You held her so she wouldn't fall, since you knew this would be and overwhelming thing for her.
"What's your name?" He looked at you and smiled. "Is she your sister?" He asked and looked over at Yeeun. She shook her head as she leaned forward. "Unni is my cousin, she's not so good at Hanguk." She giggled as she looked at you. "Unni, say something to oppa." She smiled as she looked at you. You smiled at Jin as you bowed your head a little, in a greeting.
"Annyeong, my name's ______." You said and gave him a small package of rice cake. "Unni, do you have any left for Jungkook oppa?" Yeeun asked as she saw you give the package to him. You nodded and gave her a package. "I bought 5 package. You told me to get many..." You said in a smile and Yeeun hugged you. "You're the best." You smiled as she walked to the next.
"Thanks for being nice to her.." You told Jin and he stopped you from moving to the next. "Here's something for you... And thanks for the rice cakes..." He handed you a note and you gladly took it.
"Ommo, Yeeun. Did you give all the rice cakes to him?" You asked as you saw the pile of packages. Yeeun nodded. "Do you think it's too much?" You looked up at the boy and he smiled at you.
"It's okay, if it's from Yeeun I will make sure to eat it all. As I just promised." Jungkook said as he smiled at Yeeun. "Unni, look I got his photo." She smiled and you smiled back.
"That's good. You said you wanted it." You smiled at Jungkook and bowed. "Here is yours." Jungkook smiled as he handed you another picture. "I hope you like it, noona." He said and you blushed. "Come on. Namjoon oppa's next." Yeeun pulled your hand so it would get faster. "Oppa!" She smiled and Namjoon who smiled back at her.
"Kiddo! Who's this? Your Unni?" You could hear his happy voice as he talked to Yeeun. She nodded as she leaned closer. "It's my cousin _____." She smiled and Namjoon dropped his jaw. "____? Jjinja? It's me, Namjoon. Joonie. Remember?" You furred your eyebrows but then you smiled.
"Joonie? You're that Joonie? The scared Joonie that I used to save from spiders?" You asked in English, knowing that if it was him, he would respond in English.
"Ay, don't bring that up. I was young, plus you where scared too." You smiled as you pointed at him. "It really is you. Wow. I never knew you had become this popular." You said as you looked at Yeeun. "You're still keeping up with our family I see." He nodded and smiled. "Off course. When I heard you moved back here, I wanted to see you again, but I've been so busy that I couldn't. I'm sorry. And sorry about Ahjussi and Ahjumma." You just smiled. "Thanks... I hope we can see each other again soon... Bringing back the old times." You smiled as you and Yeeun walked to the next one.

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