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The lady smirked and lowered her gun.

"This isn't over yet. I'll tell you right now that I still have 1 more subordinate in the truck. I die. You two... will surely die. So don't you play any tricks on me," She warned them and turned around. Newt didn't lower his gun while Thomas took the chance to check on Minho.

He placed a finger below his nose to check his breathing. Still alive. The lady was staring at them while standing beside the truck's opened door.

"These people you were just with. They are the real smugglers. I recognized Eric. Filthy asshole who sold his own son to get money. He was probably going to sell you guys too," She said while looking at the dead bodies.

"How different does that make you? You just said you were going to sell me and make Minho a killer," Newt hissed. The lady smiled.

"Haven't you heard of tactics, boy? We were going to put you with the other refugees that we had kept safe and let you go once the purge was over but I think you'll fare well alone. It's better than grouping a huge bait together like what we were ordered to do. Go hide. There's still time left before the purge is over," She said while getting up the truck. Newt was still skeptical about her.

Is that true? We should have gone with her instead? No. She said she was ordered to do so. Maybe the person telling her has something else in mind.

"What about your friends?" Thomas asked. She shrugged.

"I'll pick them up once the purge is over. They'll be fine. They were trained after all. If they die, it'll be okay. It's the purge anyways," She sighed and knocked the back of the truck and the small window opened.

Newt and Thomas watched her talking to the man before he closed it and emerged from behind the truck a few moments later. He stopped and looked at them before getting on and starting the engine. Newt finally decided to keep his gun and helped Thomas with Minho. The man drove the truck away and they proceeded to walk.

"Where are we going?" Newt asked with a drained tone.

"Teresa and Chuck are waiting just around the corner. Are you.... Alright?" Thomas glanced at Newt who was pale and tired but nodded anyways.

"I can still walk but I don't think I can run anymore. My stomach is cramping up," Newt sighed. He wanted this purge to be over with already. He hadn't come back all the way here just to struggle against death. He saw Chuck peeking out and soon after, Teresa was by their side as well. Chuck thought Minho was dead and was about to cry but Teresa assured him he wasn't by letting him feel his pulse.

With no energy to go far and no guide like Minho, they decided to just hide at the darkest part of the alleys. Teresa told them to take some rest while she and Chuck sat guard since they had more rest compared to the them. Thomas didn't bother arguing although he felt like it was wrong and quite risky to let a female and sleepy Chuck to stand guard. After making sure Minho was alright, he laid down beside Newt whose eyes were closed. He slowly wrapped his arms around the boy who jolted slightly before relaxing into Thomas' embrace.


1 hour left...

"Thomas... wake up," Teresa's voice made the sleeping boy opened an eye. He could see the sky starting to brighten up. He groaned and pushed himself up before taking a look at his watch.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a hoarse voice, forgetting the last time he had drank water. She waved at the others and he noticed they were all asleep.

"I wasn't sure I could stand guard alone. Sorry. I know you must've been tired but I didn't want to risk the final hour," She explained and he nodded while unwrapping his arms from Newt who turned and hugged him tightly. He slowly removed them and sat up.

"You must be tired too, huh?" Thomas asked while scooting towards her. She stretched and nodded.

"With all these massacre everywhere, I'm not too sure what will happen anymore but whatever happens, we'll make it home alive right?" She looked and Thomas who nodded with a thin smile. He wanted it to be true but who knows what can happen in an hour. Maybe someone could just appear and shoot them all dead.

"Say, Teresa. What do you think about me being gay? I never actually asked you before but I was just wondering." Teresa raised an eyebrow.

"I just think it's okay. Nothing wrong with it. Newt was completely baffled by it at first though. Although I doubt he told you," Teresa chuckled while remembering what had happened after their confession in the toilet that Newt had told her about.

"Really? What did he say? Or do?" He asked curiously. Teresa smirked.

"He kept asking me what should he do to reassure you that he's okay with you being gay and liking him. He was confused and panicked at the slightest things you do," Teresa said and Thomas smiled, knowing Newt can be a little doofus at certain times.

The two chatted away until they heard a loud gasp from behind them. Reflexively, Thomas had his hand on his gun and Teresa on one of the glass bottles. It was Minho who had sat up straight with sweat all over his face and shirt. He looked startled and turned to them with a surprised look.

"W-we are safe?" He asked while calming down. He rubbed his throbbing temples and let out a sigh of relief while laying back onto the ground. "Thank God. I thought we were goners for sure." He looked at Chuck and then at Thomas and Teresa who relaxed.

"How are you feeling?" Thomas asked. Minho half laughed.

"Alive. I feel like I can run again. Today's been a horrible day. I need proper sleep," Minho said while closing his eyes that were starting to tear. He had come close to death far more times than he wanted.

"Just a bit longer. And then we can properly rest," Teresa assured him. He rubbed away the tears and nodded.

"What do you guys plan to do after this? Do a little sight seeing?" Minho asked and it caught them both off guard.

"Well. We were here for sight seeing in the first place but I'm sure we would get one hell of a bloody view if we do it right after the purge ends," Thomas replied him while shrugging. Newt's eyes flickered open and closed again.

"Right. I guess you can stay a day in my house first before finding a hotel to go to. I'm not sure how long clearing up all those dead bodies will take but hopefully, it won't take too long."

"I guess the first thing we do after resting is head back to the airport to get our stuff," Teresa reminded Thomas of their luggage and he nodded. Minho smiled.

"Chuck and I can be your guide while you're around. I guess I can say we are friends now after suffering this ordeal together," Minho said while putting out his hand. Thomas shook it with a smile and Teresa did the same.

"We will definitely keep in touch. Whenever this happens again, just head to our place instead," Thomas said and Minho nodded. They felt more relaxed now that the purge was coming to an end. The sun was a welcoming sight.


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