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Minho dashed along the corridor for the fifth time. Teresa tried to catch up as fast as she could but the muscular boy was quick and nimble. He had no hesitation and just continued taking his next steps. He stopped a couple of times to check if there was anyone around the corner but other than that he spent his time running. He covered as much land as he could while looking out for Gally's group. He wanted to check the incinerator first even if Gally was smart enough not to use the same place twice. He just had to after what happenee to Chuck.

"S-slow down, Minho," Teresa panted and slowed down. Minho stopped running and pulled her away from the corridor to an empty opened classroom. She was surprised but soon realised why he had done that. They saw one of his shanks throwing a tantrum around. Minho's gaze sharpened.

"What's up with him?" Teresa asked in a whisper as they peered out the door at the boy who was kicking the wall, clearly frustrated by something.

"I don't know but we could ask him a question. Wait here and don't come out unless you really have to or you want to die or get take-"

"Ok ok! I won't step out unless it's bad news," Teresa snapped. Minho nodded and slipped out from the door. He looked around to make sure no one else was there but only him and that boy. The boy hadn't notice Minho so he took the opportunity. Minho ran. He ran until he was close enough to the boy and jumped. His foot came in contact with the boy's head and sent him sprawling. Minho grabbed the fallen boy by his collar and hissed," Where is that boy?"

Blood flowed from the boy's nose. He groaned in pain and surprise but Minho didn't give him a chance to retaliate as he punched the boy.

"Where is the boy?" He asked again. His glare seemed more menacing than it should be. The boy coughed and spat at Minho who punched him again. "Answer me or I'll blow you head off. Where is the boy?" Minho stood up, one leg on the boy's stomach. He pulled his shotgun forward and aimed at the boy's head. The boy squealed and tried to aim his gun at Minho but he stomped his other leg on his hand, causing the boy to let go of his gun while wincing in pain.

"Why the fuck should I tell you?" The boy challenged Minho.

"Because I will shoot you in the face if you don't," Minho threatened the boy calmly. It took the boy 3 seconds for him to notice that Minho was being serious. He would pull the trigger.

"Probably the first floor. Hey look man, I don't know. We wanted to hang him up in the hall or something but Gally wouldn't allow us, said he wanted him or something. He brought the shank somewhere else. Ordered us to take care of you slintheads and catch that other shank who was fucking worried about the one we caught," the boy said hurriedly to avoid a hole in his head.

"That true? All of it?" Minho whispered and the boy nodded vigorously.

"I don't want to die, dude. You know how Gally is fucked up im the head. I just want to go home," the boy wimpered. Minho swallowed the lump in his throat after hearing the boy's words. He knew Gally was wrong in the head but he didn't know if he should trust the boy too. And what the hell did he mean by Gally wanted Newt? Minho lowered his shotgun and removed his foot from his stomach. His other leg stepped on the gun as soon as he lifted it.

"Get outta here before I change my mind," Minho snapped. The boy ran away frantically. Minho's mental state collapsed at the thought of having to shoot his schoolmate but he kept his composure as to not worry Teresa who was watching. He ran back to the classroom.

"So where is Newt?" She asked once he slipped in.

"He said probably the first floor. Gally.... Gally wants Newt. I don't know why but he wants your friend and he wouldn't allow the other guys to have their way with him," Minho told Teresa whose eyes widened.

"Do you understand what you just said?!" Teresa squealed. Minho shook his head confusedly. Teresa frowned. "He WANTS Newt! Newt might be in trouble. We have to find him!! Quickly !!" Teresa was about to run out from the classroom but Minho held her back.

"Hey, tell me what does that mean. Don't just run off like that," Minho snapped.

"There's no time!!! We have to move, Minho!" Minho sighed and gave up. He exited the classroom with Teresa and they both made their way to the stairs.

There was no fire.

Thomas had just realised. He had the molotov in his hand but he didn't have a lighter or anything. He squeezed his eyes shut and cursed at his own carelessness. He opened them and took deep breaths.

"If that's how it is, that's how it'll be," Thomas whispered to himself. He peeped out again and saw the boy turned around to walk in the other direction. Thomas only had one chance. To knock him out in a try or to get noticed and die. He was about to toss the bottle when a gunshot filled the air. The boy was firing to Thomas' left and that made him jump. He saw Minho ducked just in time before the bullet reached him. Teresa followed behind him. Thomas aimed and threw the bottle quickly before the boy fired another shot or moved away. The bottle knocked him straight in the head causing him to stagger. Minho dashed to the boy and knocked him out with the edge of his shotgun. The boy dropped to the floor, unconcious. Thomas, Teresa and Minho sighed in relief. Chuck came down the stairs, cheeks pink with ragged breathing.

"I thought you guys would die!!" The chubby boy wailed. Thomas gave him a small smile.

"Don't worry. I won't die until I know Newt is safe," he tried to joke but his heart fell. Minho pulled Teresa up and walked over to the other two boys.

"Let's go," he said and they nodded while Thomas stood up.


Newt laid on the floor, tied and gagged. He was trembling as four around-the-same-aged boys stood hovering above him. He didn't know where he was but wherever it was, it was dark and chilly. They were talking among themselves and Newt could hear them despite the low voices they were using.

"Do we kill him?" One asked while twirling his handgun with his finger.

"Why kill him so quickly? Lets use him as bait for the other guys. I saw a pretty lady with them, ya know?" Another one exclaimed, earning a few snickers from 2 of them. One stood quietly, arms folded with a shotgun hanging on his belt.

"Killing him would be better though. After all, I saw Minho around. Wouldn't be good to deal with him head on? Plus they won't know if we killed him or not," The first guy suggested again but protests from the other 2 sounded. He finally rolled his eyes and left the dark room they were in. The entrance to the place they were in was rather far. Newt shifted his hands,trying to loosen the bonds but all it did was cut his skin. He grimaced slightly.

"So what do you say Gally?" They looked at the one who stood quietly. Newt looked up at the one called Gally. He had heard Minho mentioned about him earlier when he was om the phone with his friend.

"I say we tie him up here and lead the rest of the group here. Kill him before their eyes and kill the rest of them except the lady," the one who mentioned about Teresa earlier said again. Newt made soft protesting groans. How could they talk as though he wasn't around?

"Shut up!" The boy lifted his leg to kick Newt in the gut but a gun was pointed to his head first. Everyone in the room froze, even Newt. The cold nozzle rested on his head.

"No one touches him. No one but me. I WANT HIM. HE IS MINE. Understand?" Gally who had been quiet all alone snarled. His voice sounded like glass scratching against each other, like a villian who had just awakened from its deep slumber. Newt felt his hair rised. He shivered at the sound of his voice but it wasn't him only.

"Fine. Do what you want. I'm outta here," the one who shouted shut up earlier snapped and started walking away.

"You. Go catch that other dude who was worried sick about this one. Find him and bring him to me," Gally ordered. The boy nodded and quickly departed as well. After the 3 boys had left, leaving Newt and Gally alone, Gally knelt down. Newt gulped.

"You've got a pretty face." Gally grabbed Newt by his armpit and pulled him up. He dragged Newt who reluctantly followed him out from the large hall to the school building. Newt made muffled noises but Gally pulled him close to himself, their faces only inches apart. Newt felt his skin crawled as fear consumed him.

"Keep quiet or I swear I will kill any of your friends that I see on sight."

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