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Teresa and Newt were having lunch together while Thomas was again in his own thoughts. It was bugging Teresa that Thomas wasn't confessing and it was bugging Newt that Thomas wasn't hanging out with him.

"Teresa, do you know why Tommy is being like this? It's really frustrating," Newt asked while sighing. Teresa furrowed her brows.

"I know. But I can't tell you either. Tom has got to speak for himself as frustrated as I am too," Teresa replied honestly and they both grumbled while leaning backwards. Newt looked up to the sky and watched the clouds pass by and Teresa stared at him for awhile.

"Hey, Newt. Have you ever thought that you could be homophobic?" Newt blinked in confusion with her sudden question.

"Me? No. I don't see a problem with people of the same gender liking each other although I might feel a little weird seeing that but love is free," he answered honestly and laid down on the bench where they were eating. Teresa nodded in response and continued eating.

"You wouldn't hate Tom if he's gay right?" Newt shook his head and sighed.

"I would rather he just tell me he's gay than having to go through such an ordeal, not that I think him being gay would be a reason to avoid me in the first place. He can just say it out." Newt sat up and looked at Teresa. "That's it. I'm going to find him. I'm not putting up with this silent treatment anymore."

He got up and bade Teresa farewell before dashing up to the classroom to find his best friend. It was getting irritating to Newt that something he didn't know of had to keep them apart. He poked his head into class but didn't see Thomas there so he went to the male's toilet instead since that was the only other plausible place he could be. His anger had got the better of him this time and when he entered the toilet, he yelled.

"Thomas! If you are in here, get out at once!!" The toilet was empty apart from two closed doors and slowly, one opened and Thomas looked out in surprise. His face was flushing red and he seemed flustered.

"N-newt? What's wrong?" He stuttered and came out from the toilet. Newt stomped towards him and shoved him to the wall.

"What the hell is wrong?! I can't stand it anymore. Stop giving me this silent treatment. It's irritating and I hate it and I surely won't forgive you if you are avoiding me for some stupid bloody reason!" He snapped, making Thomas jump at the sharpness of his voice. He really pissed Newt off this time, didn't he? His eyes darted to the sides, hoping he can find an opening to run from this awkward situation but Newt didn't give him a chance. He placed both his hands beside Thomas and closed in, leaving little space between them.

"I-i can't. Newt. Please don't do this," Thomas muttered. His mind was going crazy with Newt doing this. He felt his cheeks burned and his legs starting to tremble from excitement. He was also getting really embarrassed about something else that Newt noticed when Thomas decided to move his hand.

"Are you...? Thomas. You're standing," Newt whispered and Thomas cringed.

"I know. This is why I needed to avoid you, Newt. I can't stop having these thoughts about you and...and being near you is making me go mad. I'm so sorry I made you mad but I just... finding out about my feelings were twice worse. I like you, Newt. More than a best buddy," Thomas whispered most of it and Newt froze. He wasn't expecting Thomas to confess. To him. Of all person and of all places. Thomas looked up and Newt could see his red embarrassed face. He couldn't respond. His best friend was seriously gay?! And for him too?!! His hands slid from the wall and he stepped back.

"You were avoiding me... because of that?" Newt whispered and Thomas nodded while fidgeting uncomfortably. Newt didn't respond but the bell signifying the end of lunch break did. Newt was frowning which made Thomas break out in cold sweat. This is it, isn't it? The end of their friendship.

"Look, Newt. Don't sweat it alright? It's okay if you aren't gay or if you don't want to hang out with me anymore. You can ju-," Thomas was interrupted with a hug from Newt. His eyes widened and from the inside, he could feel warmth bubbling and tears threatening to appear.

"How does this feel?" Newt asked while patting Thomas' back. Thomas hugged back.

"Amazing. So I take it we are still friends?" Newt looked him in the eye and frowned again.

"Friends? You just confessed to me, Thomas. There's no way we can still be friends. You're my boyfriend now."


Minho constantly observed his surroundings, hoping he won't meet that truck anymore. Once was enough to make him frightened out of his own wits. He knew the neighbourhood and had made his way to the opposite side of the area. He heard some footsteps ahead and leaned against the wall, only daring to peek when the footsteps got softer. He could see Eric and Mirth searching the area.

Newt and Thomas must've had found somewhere to hide.

Minho looked around and started climbing the ladder nearby. Once he was up there, he bent forward and tried looking for the two boys but it wasn't easy as the buildings were all around the same height and it was dark in most of the alleys. They had no means of communication either. He climbed down again once he made sure the two men were far enough from him. He entered the alley ways and ran around quite blindly, guided only with moonlight. A torchlight was too risky. He took a few turns here and there, hoping he wouldn't miss them in the dark.

"Minho?" He heard a voice call out softly as he was walking through another alley. He stepped back and saw two silhouettes walking out.

"Thomas. Newt. You guys are safe," he cheered softly as he saw the moonlight outlined their features. They gave each other a brohug before huddling back into the pitch black alley.

"What's the plan now?" Thomas asked with a slightly happier tone. He was glad Minho was safe after the other had told him what happened.

"We wait it out. The purge will in a few more hours. As long as we stay low, it'll be fine," Minho said. They didn't have much choice.

"What's going to happen to the people they caught?" Newt asked. His eyes focused on the ground. Minho and Thomas didn't know how to reply hun either.

"There's only so much we can do," Minho replied. Newt gritted his teeth.

"We aren't even going to try?!" He snapped as quietly as he could but Thomas could feel the intensity of his rage.

"What do you propose we do? We are just 3 teenagers with barely anything to keep ourselves alive," Minho hissed.

"Calm down, you two. Minho is right. We can't do much unless.... well... forget it," Thomas said and regretted it after that when he saw Newt looking at him. "Minho isn't going to like it though."

"What are you thinking of?"

"Making a deal with those guys you saw. The truck. They might be keeping things in order by getting rid of purgers. They might help us but I don't think it's a good plan."

"It's a horrible plan," Minho snapped and Thomas shrugged. "Those guys are definitely purgers too. We can't do anything. It's too dangerous." Newt chewed on his lower lip.

"Will Teresa and Chuck be safe on the roof?" He questioned and the two of them felt a clench in their chests. Their expressions turned grim and they became silent.


A/N : MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! My dear little boy asked me when I was gonna update so I decided here you go XD take this Christmas gift~ I might update again soon but I'm currently facing problems with my other story >< sorry sorry~

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