part 1

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Laya POV

Hey I'm Laya I'm 17 I'm light skinned with light brown hair that stops down to my mid back and I am mixed with Mexican and Hispanic my mom is Mexican and my dad is Hispanic .My parents are the owners off some group called the OMG girls and we are quite goods friends and my parents make a lot of money so we are like mad rich . And with my mom and dad being the owners of TI's daughter they are always gone and rarely home so its just me and my dog. Yea but anyways I am in high school . Everything is good for me in school I am a smart girl and have all A's on my report cards and I am well known in school. I am a bad bitch as most people say but I am sexy as hell I have a banging body with a big ass and pretty light brown eyes and I am always rocking the hottest clothes shiiiit I would say the same .Yea but now you know about me and I can start.

I woke up to the smell of Bacon eggs and more of that good stuff. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom brushed my teeth took a shower and and got out. I put on some Jean shorts with a white crop top that said ' swag queen ' in black with some black heels. I put on some light eye shadow wasn't to much I'm not all into makeup unless its for a special occasion but yea I put on some shiny lip gloss my bamboo ear rings my bangles and my necklace that said dope on it in diamonds. I curled my hair and headed downstairs. When I went downstairs I saw my dad.

me: hi daddy * kisses his cheek and sits at the table *

dad: hey baby girl* kisses my forehead and gives me my plate *

me: ...ummm I'm not really that hungry daddy and plus I gotta get to school * grabs a piece of bacon * bye daddy

dad: bye

I walk out of the house and I see my friend Brianna walking out if her house.

me: hey bri you want a ride!!!

Bri: no I'll use my car

me: OK suit yourself bitch!!

Bri: bye hoe!!!

me and Bri have been best friends since diapers and I'm not being sarcastic I'm dead serious we've been friend since we were one. I hopped in my range rover and started to school.

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