chapter 30

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laya POV

I woke up on the couch in Jacobs arms. I stared at him for a while until I got up. I walked upstairs in the bathroom and started brushing my teeth . while I was brushing them I heard my phone start ringing. I walked over to my night stand and picked it up. it was Bri .

me: hello

Bri: hey lay you think you can do me a favor

me: depends in what it is *spits toothpaste into the sink *

Bri : can you watch Kayron tomorrow

me: oh yea *rinses mouth out *

Bri : Kay I'm go bring him at around 3:30

me: OK

Bri : k bye boo

me: bye

we hung up and I walked to my closet I looked for something to wear. I found some black leggings that had slits on the sides with a white v-neck and my black and white Jordan's I put on a light washed vest with some black hoops and some black and white bangles. I straightened my hair and put on a black beanie that said the main on it . after that I put on some mascara with the eye liner tail thing and some red lipstick . I walked down the stairs and prince was on the couch sleep still . I walked over to him and kissed his lips. I felt him kiss back and his hands slid to the back of my neck . I slowly pulled away . I smiled as he did the same .

me : morning sleepy head

Jacob : I wasn't even sleep I was faking

he smirked

me : figures

Jacob : why you so dressed up

me: I don't know

Jacob : we should go to the movies

me: k

he got up and walked upstairs. I followed him into our bedroom .he walked into the closet and came out in a towel. I looked at him and turned my head. I heard him laugh. he walked into the bathroom and closed the door after. I put my red beats by dre on and plugged them into my phone. I played ride by somo.

....15 minutes later

Jacob came out of the bathroom with his hair wet and a towel wrapped around his torso. he walked into our closet and came out 5 minute later wearing some black jeans with some of his black and white creepers a nirvana shirt with his hair in in a half up ponytail he had a white bandanna around his head also.

Jacob: you ready

me: yes sir

I got off of the bed put my head phones around my neck and grabbed my purse. We walked out of the house and headed to the movies

at the movies

me: what you wanna watch

Jacob : let's seeeee theeee ...... *looking at the little thing with all the movies * I don't know what you wanna watch

me: can we see 22 jump street

Jacob: yup

we got our tickets and our snacks .we went into the theater and sat down then someone called Jacob

???: Jacob

he turned around as I did the same and there was a girl with light brown hair and the ends were died blonde she had blue eyes and the prettiest smile I hope she was his cousin or something.

Jacob: Harmony w- what are you doing here

Harmony: I'm visiting my parents how are you

Jacob : great how about you I *gco *

me: I'm still here you know

Jacob: sorry babe umm harmony this is laya my girlfriend. laya this is hramony my....

oooh who is Harmony ahhh cliffy .... but you know what to do vote and comment loves

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