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I woke up and it was 8:00 am and Laya was in my arms sleep I got up and went to go and brush my teeth. When I was done I took a shower and put on some black sweats and a misfits shirt with a hoodie and went downstairs to make breakfast for Laya

Laya POV

I woke up at about 8:45 and prince wasn't in the bed with me so I just got up brush my teeth and took a shower . When I got out of the shower I put on some ripped up high waisted pants with a black "New York ". Crop top and my black heels I curled my hair and put my bangs out and put on my bamboo earrings with my name and walk downstairs and saw prince

Me: hey baby

Prince: sup

Me : I'm bout to got to the mall with the girls

Prince : ok it's Sunday so be back by 6

Me : ok ... Wait what

Prince :kidding but seriously I have a surprise for you so be back by 8:00

Me :Kay love you *kisses his cheek *

Prince : that's all I get

Me : yup

I finished eating and grabbed my phone and purse and then left

At the mall

Me :lol so then he was all like well I ate already and I want dessert

Bri :omg you guys are sooo fucking nasty .. Me and prod have only did it 1 time

Me :yea cuz you and prod are goody goodies

Bri :I'm not. No damn goody goody

Me: yea sure

We went to wet seal and forever 21 and when we were on our way to finish line we saw some boys

Me : aye y'all see them boys looking at us

Bri: oooo yea I see them!!!!!!

All : shut the fuck up

Bro: sorry

Me : aye y'all they coming over here

Bri:run bitch runn!!!!!

We all laughed and ran into lids . We all put on hats and then took a pic and I noticed it was already 7:30

Me :y'all I gotta go

All : awww why

Me : prince said he got a surprise for me *walking off *

All: oooo go get that bih dih (translation:big dick )

I laughed and walked away and as I was walking bumped into somebody

Me :sorry bout that

???: nah it's all good ma

I looked up and seen a guy with the most prettiest blue green eyes

Me:hi I'm Laya

???:I'm Jordan

Me : we'll i guess I should get going

Jordan:before you go can I get your number

Me : I don't think thats a good idea I have a boyfriend

Jordan : come on it won't hurt it's not like I'm try a get in ya pants ma

Me : okay fine gemme yo phone

Jordan: *gives me his phone *

Me: *puts number in his phone *

Jordan : thanks I'll call you

Me : Kay bye

I ran out the mall and to my car and put all of my stuff in the backseat and rushed home

Do I Really Love You?? ( Princeton love story )Where stories live. Discover now