Part 21

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Laya POV


I woke up at3 in the morning cause I could sleep . I got up and tried to walk down stairs but being the scary cat I am I ran back I. The room and woke up Jacob

Me : Jacob wake up

Prince : mmm no 5 more minutes

Me : please babe I can't sleep

Prince : and what you want me to to bout it

Me : okay we done had a full conversation already you might as well get up

Prince : NO!!

Me : stop being so loud plz I really can't sleep I wanna cuggle

Prince :*turns around * what

Me: I wanna cuggle

Prince : what the hell is cuggle

Me : a combination of snuggle in cuddle

Prince : we'll I'm sleepy and I don't feel like it

Me : you know you got 5 seconds to get you ass the fuck up and fuck me nigga

Prince : that's all you want is to have sex

Me : yes I'm in the mood that's why I can't sleep

Prince : well that's all you had to say * leans in it kiss me *

Me : let's go downstairs

Prince : why

Me : I wanna try something new

Prince : ok* gets up *

Me : carry me

Prince: *picks me up*

He takes me downstairs and sits me on the counter and starts kissing me

Me : mm babe pour some kool aid in a cup

Prince : why

Me : just fucking do it

He went to the fridge and poured the kool aid I'm a cup and gave it to me

Me : thanks *drinks it *

I hurried up and got off the counter and ran up the stairs

Prince : the fuck .... *confused * ... I see she tricked me * creepy smile * o Laya com back here babe * Freddy crougar voice *


Princeton POV

I ran up the stairs And jump on Laya who was acting like she was sleep

Laya: * snoring real loud * zzzzzzzzz

Me : stop acting stupid ...... Now wake up

Laya : sorry Laya is not here at the moment leave leave a message after the beep ... Beeeeeeeeep

me : ok I see * turns over and go to sleep *

That night or should I say morning Laya kept beeping acting like a voicemail box that crazy girl but i love her it was hard to sleep so I just hit here with a pillow and she shut up tha k The Lord for pillows

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