chapter 29

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OK guys so in this story since laya's parents are never home im just gonna go ahead and say they are 23 and live together

laya POV

I woke up out if my sleep panting and breathing really hard

me: *looking around * prince!!

I then heard footsteps coming up the stairs . I seen a shadow at my door but not a person then he popped up

prince : yea babe

me: * mumbles* it was a dream thank god

prince: you OK you look startled

me: umm yes I'm good

prince: ok

me : I'm about to take a shower 

prince : OK

with that being said he walked out . I slowly got out of bed and took off my shirt and my shorts that I had on and walked in the bathroom I put my hair in a messy ponytail and cut the water on . I unclasped my bra and took off my underwear and got in the shower . I grabbed my luffa off of the hook thingy and rubbed it all over my body. I put soap on the luffa and  washed up. I turned the water off and got out of the shower .I walked in my room and picked up my phone and checked to time it was 2:21 I sighed and dropped my towel and walked to my drawer and pulled put some panties I put them on and then I walked into my closet and grabbed Jacobs nirvana shirt that had the sleeves cut of so my sides were out . I put the shirt on and put lotion on . I walked downstairs and prince was on the coach watching TV I went and sat next to him and he stared at me

me : what

prince : is that my shirt

me: naaw the the clowns across the street *sarcastically*

prince: *cuckles* o OK

me : what we watching

prince : I really don't even know haha it was on and I started to get into it

me: o OK

I watched TV show that was on and then I felt prince poke my boob . I looked down to see the the side of it was out the side of the shirt

me : for why

prince : I don't know it was just out so I did it

me : your so weird


Princeton POV

I woke up still on the couch with laya in my  arms sleep . I slowly slid from under her and walked in the kitchen to make dinner . I decided to just make us some tamales I put them on the stove and walked back in to living room and laya was on her phone I walked behind her and scared her

laya : ahhhhhhhh

me : * kisses her cheek * did I scare you

laya : yes

me : sorry

I walked back in the kitchen and took the tamales out of the water and peeled and put them on a plate and then took them in the living room me and laya ate and watched movies until 2:00 am in till we finally went to sleep

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