Chapter 18- "Stupid Girls, Stupid Ryker, Stupid Hormones, Stupid Gym Class"

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Chapter 18- "Stupid Girls, Stupid Ryker, Stupid Raging Hormones, Stupid Gym Class"

I walked downstairs and grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder.

Liz lent me her old uniform, and I brought my backpack last night.

I walked into the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast, and Mrs. Doyle seemed to already leave.

I rubbed my eyes; still not being able to get myself to wake up.

"Come on" Ryker said and stood up "I'll drive you to school".

"It's fine you don't have too-" I started.

"I have to go anyways; Vince and I have some stupid community service and are substituting for the gym teacher" He said with annoyance.

Vince came up and said "Yes, indeed we do. So let's go".

Well this is great...I have gym class today...

"Fine" I mumbled and followed them out. They were both dressed in basketball shorts and tank-tops that showed off their muscles.

"I call shot-gun" I stuck my tongue out at Vince and he rolled his eyes "I'm older!"

Then Vince and I raced to Ryker's truck and pushed each other out of the way. I jumped on his back and pulled him back then getting in the passenger seat victoriously

Vince glared at me and got in the back, and Ryker got in the drivers side.

Ryker drove down the street and I stared out the window and tapped my fingers along the counsel of the car.

My phone vibrated and I took it out.

Jax: You getting to school?!

Me: Yes and Bye.

I grabbed my ear-buds/headphones from my backpack and plugged them into my phone and put on my playlist of music, and ran a hand threw my long wavy brown hair, and bit my lip as I thought about what I had to do today.

We came to the school, and Ryker parked.

I took an ear-bud out and grabbed my backpack.

"Thanks for the ride....I guess I'll see you in gym class" I mumbled and opened the door, and got out.

"Bye Rain"! Vince called as I walked away.

I heard the first period bell ring and I jogged up and into school as students rushed to classes and I went to my locker quickly then punching me locker combination in and grabbing my books.

I ran to my first class before Mrs. Grave; my principal found me in the hallways...and the last thing I need right now is detention.

I walked to chemistry class and quickly went to my seat and sat down.

Why couldn't I get Ryker out of my head?!

I don't know why, but since I woke up this morning I can't get him out of my mind...

* * * * * * *

School went by and I had lunch next; which I dreaded terribly.

Since all my friends are older; I always ate lunch by myself and never sat in the cafeteria.

I shut my locker door and Alex called me "Hey".

"Hey" I answered "What's up"?

"Nothing, just seeing how you are? I haven't seen you in a while" Alex said.

"Yeah, sorry I've been a bit pre-occupied" I bit my lip.

"Yeah no problem. How about this? Will hang-out on Friday; go see a movie then go pig out on ice-cream or something"? She suggested.

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