Chapter 49- "I fell for Ryker Anderson, that's how."

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Chapter 49- "I fell for Ryker Anderson, that's how."

<^> Rain Thompson POV <^>

"Get up" Shay gritted and Mark kicked me in the side. I flinched in pain and forced myself to sit up. The guys found out about Hayes lending me his phone and aren't happy about it.

"Why don't we just get this done and over with?" Joe said as he loaded his gun with a mag full of bullets. He came up to me and pressed the gun up to the side of my head and I tensed up.

"No" Tyson cut in with a tern voice and my eyes snapped to his "It's not time. We have to make Anderson suffer by keeping her away from him as long as possible, because if we shoot her he'll give up hope and stop searching."

I swallowed a lump in my throat and Joe took the gun away from my head and put the gun in a holster. Hayes was locked somewhere and James wasn't allowed to say anything to try and stop them hurting me or he'd be killed.

"I say you just shoot the bitch" Troian spoke as she examined her nails and sat on James's lap. "Get up" Logan ordered as he grabbed me by the arm and forcefully pulled me up off the gross cement floor.

I was a mess with a black eye, busted lip, stains of blood on my skin, my clothes were torn, I was bruised all over my body, chain marks were imprinted into my wrist and ankles, cuts were marked into my skin from blades of knives.

The doors opened to Zeke and Archer walking in with Axel following behind them. "Show her" Zeke ordered Axel as he crossed his arms.

Axel slid a laptop in front of me and opened it up "Hit play." I looked up at him and blinked slowly as everyone watched me. I moved the cursor and hit play.

It opened up to a video of some gas station and I saw Ryker and Alessandra talking. I bit my lip confused, and didn't understand why they were showing this to me.

Ryker then grabbed Alessandra and smashed his lips into hers. My heart stopped and I put a hand over my mouth as tears pricked my eyes. I shut the laptop and was in complete shock.

"This what your so-called-loving-ex-boyfriend has been doing while you're gone." Zeke said with a smirk and his arms crossed. "See, Rain. I went to the gas station" Gunner spoke up as he approached closer to me.

"I saw everything. All the 'worry' is just a cover up. He doesn't care about you, he just wants you to think that he does while he bangs other girls. I've been following him, and he's been going to clubs and bars making out, grinding, buying drinks for a bunch of different girls a night."

"You're lying!" I yelled, not wanting to believe it was true. Tears started to escape my eyes and he shook his head "I'm not lying, Rain. How could I lie? There's proof.. I just figure'd you should know."

I looked down at the ground and covered my mouth with my hand so I wouldn't break out into tears. Taylor and Felicity came up, sitting down next to me. Felicity pulled me into a hug and Taylor rubbed circles on my back.

"I can't believe he would do this" I whispered to myself as tears ran down my cheeks and I cried silently. "Rain, I'm so sorry" Felicity sighed.

Staring out the window as the drips of water ran down the glass on the outside. When I was little I would always watch the water droplets race down the window to see which one would make it to the bottom first.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to then, back to when my parents were stolen together, back when my dad actually liked me, back when I wasn't ever caught up in this gang stuff.

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