shit... now he knows...

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I can't believe this is happening

(Y/n) pov•
Walking to Starbucks on a cold, rainy day probably wasn't the best idea. But, then again, It was walk or take a bus. And I really.. Really hate busses. Don't ask, because I don't know why. I'm just glad that when we finally got there, it was nice and warm.

•Dans pov•
I still feel kinda bad about knocking into (Y/n). I'm just glad that she is really nice. And she's also really cute....(a/n)- if your a guy, then when you see she just change it to he. Byeeee- Wait what? I don't like like her... I think? Well, even if I did, I wouldn't be able to ask her out again, I'm way to akward.... But maybe.... Hmm.... Yeah. I can make it seem like I want her to come to my flat to meet Phil, and we can play video games or something. Smiling, I didn't really notice (y/n) waving her hand in front of my face, saying "Earth to Dan." I snapped out of my trance, blushing a little and laughing, managing to squeak out an apology. (Y/n) also started laughing, and oh my gosh. Her laugh is beautiful.... Just like her. Shit Dan get it together. I brought her her so that she could get something to drink, not to stare at her. "Do you think you know what you're getting?" I ask, looking down at her. It was kinda funny, to see how tall I was compared to her.

•(y/n) pov •

"U-um yeah I think so." Wow (Y/n) smooth. I inwardly sigh. Just one more reason to go home and cut. I try and get the thought out of my head, because I've been really good about not cutting. I've been cut free for 2 weeks. But the scars still stay.... And this time, Dan was the one trying to get my attention. "Helloooo. (Y/n)? Are you here?" I look up at him, trying to hold in my laughter. "Sorry..." I say, laughing. With a chuckle, he said "Come on, lets go order." I nod my head. Nows the part where I usually embarrass myself my tripping, or dieing, or something like that. But I didn't. I inwardly celebrated. And so when the Starbucks employee asked me what I wanted, I didn't stutter while saying "I'll have a iced coffee please." Wow. This day just keeps getting better. "Is that all?" Dan replies, saying "Yes, I believe so" while smiling. Shit. He is soooo cute. "Okay, that will be 1.50 please. (Sorry I have no clue what any of the prices are so yeah) Dan pays, and I grab my drink, while thanking him. " yeah no problem. Do you want to go to my flat to meet Phil? I'm sure he would love to meet a fan." I look up in shock. "Y-yeah! Of course!" I say while smiling. "Do you need to tell your parents or...?" "No, its fine." "Okay... Well, lets go" aweeeeee his smile is so cute! I'm just kinda nervous. What if I get to they're flat and totally embarrass myself? Ugh.... Let's not think about that.....

•Time skip brought to you my phan shippers•

Dans pov•

Yes! She agreed! Yay! Now Phil, (Y/n) and I can play Mario cart, or I can even film a video and feature her in it! "Here, be careful, I fall down these stairs plenty of times." I say while leading (Y/n) up the stairs to the flat that I share with Phil. Finally, after climbing what felt like 30000 stairs, I opened the door, and yelled "PHILLLLL IM BACK! AND I'VE BROUGHT SOMEONEEEE! COME MEET THEM!!!!" Then, Phil yelled back "COMINGGG, ILL BE RIGHT OVER!" "Here," I said, taking her bag of books and setting them on the couch. "Are you hungry at all?" "No, I'm okay, thank you." But we were interrupted by Phil coming in, more like falling in, after trying to slid in but failing. All (Y/n) and I could do was laugh. A couple seconds later, Phil joined on too. And it was a memory that I would remember for as long as I could.

°word count- 710°

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