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WARNING: Chapter contains cutting, so please dont read if you are considering it.
~time skip~ (sorry about all the time skips, I'm really lazy rn.....)

(Y/n) Pov
Walking home with Dan and Phil was....... Interesting? It wasn't akward, because we were talking, and laughing at the occasional joke... But we took about...8... Wrong turns... Oops? What can I say, I need glasses..... Even though I already have glasses.... Okay, I need to start using my glasses. That would probably help.... "Sorry guys, I left my glasses at my house, I can't read the street signs very well........" Well, at least I could try to explain why I keep walking into lampposts. "That's ok (y/n), we're almost there!!" Phil said, struggling not to laugh. And yes... I told them my address... It's not like they're going to stalk me.. I think? And again, my thoughts were interrupted by someone yelling. It was Dan... Yelling at me to watch out for the pole? Psshh.. Whatever. I continued to walk. Straight into a pole. AGAIN. Rubbing my nose, I look around to find myself in my driveway, with a laughing Dan and Phil behind me.

"Oh shut up..." I say, grinning. I look up to my house, and my heart sank.... The lights were on. That means that my dad is home..... I kinda hoped he wouldn't be, but whatever. Walking up to the front door, I wave to Dan and Phil. "Thanks for the movie! And for walking me home!". They responded with " No problem! We should hang out again sometime!!" And with a hug, they were off.

Smiling, I walk open the front door, just to walk into the living room to see my dad, sitting on the couch and watching T.V. "Um... Hi." Is all I could squeak out, before heading to the stairs. "(Y/n)? Wanna watch something with me?" I hear. Wow. My dad never does stuff like this. I turn around, smiling. "Yeah, that would be nice."

Well it was. I guess. Until after about 30 minutes of watching T.V., the show ended, and I reached for the remote, exposing my wrists. Exposing my cuts.... And... I wish I could say my dad wasn't watching. The look he gave me..... Was a mixture of horror and sadness. He opened his mouth, but I flew off the couch, and ran up the stairs to my room before he could talk, tears threatening to fall. He knew. He knew. Now he would probably send me to a mental hospital. Or kick me out of the house.


The words came back to me, as I was sitting on the cold floor in my bedroom, crying, about to have a panic attack.


Go die already.

it's what they said at school. But its coming back. Again, and again.

Why are you still here?

Go kill yourself

You don't deserve to live.

I heard a pounding on my door. And a muffled " (y/n)!!! Please, unlock the door! We can talk about this!!"

But all I could to is turn to the cold, sharp blade, and do the only thing I could think of doing.

And I cut.

°word count: 535°

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