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Hello guys! Today, I'm going to talk about my fears. *crowd applauds* Haha, some of this will be pretty dumb to be fucking honest. I'm a wimp so I'm scared of dumb shit, m'kay.

Here are some of my fears:

SPIDERS - Those mother fuckers are terrifying! Have you seen those little fucknuts?!?! They have creepy eyes and disgusting legs. Thinking about them make me sick. Just imagine taking a shit and then this big ass tarantula crawls up your leg midshit. What are you going to do? Nothing except have shit come out of your asshole faster than the speed of light.

CLOWNS - Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to paint someone's face, make them wear ugly ass clothes and shoes that are bigger than Brendon Urie's forehead, make them have a stupid goofy voice, make them do stupid shit and say stupid jokes,and allow these shitbags to be around children. They are horrifying and traumatic. I fucking hate clowns. Ugh.

SNAKES - I hate those slimy, slithering creature. I don't like being around them. I don't like looking at them. Hell, I don't even like being around them. I'm scared that a snake is going to bite me and I die like a wimp because of a fucking snake. Fuck you, snakes.

BEING ABANDONED - I'm scared that one day, all of my friends are going to leave me and end up hating me. I always worry about this because sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for them.

NOT SUCCEEDING - I'm really scared that I'm going to fail and I'm not going to get that scholarship I want so I can go the college. I'm scared that I'm going to fail in my future job. I'm just scared of failing in general.

DISAPPOINTING PEOPLE - I hate it when I disappoint people. I just want to be able to make them proud and I'm scared that if I disappoint certain people, it will make them leave me.

LIVING - Most people are afraid of dying, but I'm mostly afraid of living. The world is such a messed up place. I'm scared my life is going to worsen due to all these current issues going on. Honestly, humans are a bunch of idiots.

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