Your Friends

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[Not edited]
[Ino's Point of View]

Just call him Ino- damnit press the button!

Remember the day I met that gorgeous blond? Oh, and my neighbor? Well they gave me their band's phone number, The Raven Blossoms. A pretty weird name for a band if you ask me, I wonder if it's some kind of screaming rock band or something? Honestly I hated that music- I'm very soft and mushy, I enjoy romantic realistic music. Of course I've had my share of emotionally loud music- but I'm over it.


I was deciding if I should call that adorable blond and ask him out on a date, or at least to hang out. I mean- he was gorgeous, and I just met him but God was he attractive. So attractive I haven't been able to get him out of my mind recently!

Am I really this desperate?

A stranger Ino! A fu*king stranger! Not that liking strangers was bad, it's just depressing- I mean I have no connection with that blond whatsoever, and I just want him! Honestly I've never hit such a low point in my life.

Well- f*ck it.

I pressed the dial button with determination, ready to face my embarrassment with pride- "hello? Raven Blossoms speaking." The voice on the other side was definitely not Naruto. No no no- this was a female voice, most likely that pinkette friend of his, Sakura I think it was. I wasn't sure if I should just ask for Naruto or simply play it cool by saying I needed a show. But for what? Asking for a show would be stupid.


Damnit! Think Ino, fast!

"Oh yeah, hi it's your downstairs neighbor! Remember me? I-Ino?"

"Oh- uh yeah. Blond hair? Long enough to choke someone with?"

You could hear someone laughing their ass off in the background, then random mumbling. It was kind of pissing me off- that was a rude comment! I mean, I like my long hair- unlike ms.shortie here!

"Haha... yeah."

"So- what is it?"

"Oh- um I was actually looking for N-"


My eyes widened lightly at her sudden change in tone, the pinkette sounded a bit irritated. I wasn't sure why- but I suddenly thought this entire phone call was a mistake. Should I just hang up? No- that's horribly rude! Finish what you started Ino- get in there and get what you called for!

"Ah- yes..."

There was a long pause on the other line, then small mumbling was heard.

"Why do you need him?"

"I just wanted to speak to him..."

"Well before you get your hopes up, I'll warn you not to date him."

"Wha- why?!"

I heard the female pass the cell phone over to someone else, then it was silent for a long time.

"Hello? Naruto speaking."

"Ah! Hey Naruto, you remember me right? Ino!"

I tried my best to uplift my voice and fill it with joy and enthusiasm- I was so glad to finally hear the tanned male's soothing voice. A bit of excitement also overtook me, and I had completely forgotten the pinkette's warning from earlier.

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