Band Practice

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[Not edited- bruh]
[Ino's Point of View]

"No-no, start it over again, I think the beat was a bit too slow that time..."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, hearing Naruto play the guitar is amazing, but hearing him play the same strings about 500 times- yeah, definitely not so amazing. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the black table as I watched them prepare for yet another replay. Couldn't they just understand that it wasn't getting any better than this? They sounded perfect- why does Naruto have to be some kind of band perfectionist?

"Getting bored yet Ino? Blame our all mighty band leader- blondie Mr.NothingLessThanPerfect here" Shikamaru lazily noticed by irritation with a simple glance. I quickly looked up with the fakest smile I had and chuckled nervously chuckled while fanning my hand in dismissal- "N-No! don't be ridiculous, I love hearing Naruto, a-and all of you play! you're all wonderful... ha... yeah"

"Sounds to me like you've got yourself a crush Naruto, she's cute too- ah man! you always get hit on!" Kiba angrily pulled on his hair in frustration while Tenten laughed playfully towards his comment. "He gets hit on because he's cute- you're a gross mut, either take longer baths or forget about getting a girlfriend any time soon..."

"Says the girl with two balls screwed on her head..." he muttered softly, but the bun-haired girl still caught on.


"Ha- enough Tenten, don't scare away Ino" Naruto's nervous voice brought everyone's attention towards him, calming everyone in the room almost immediately, and making my heart beat out my chest. "Say sorry to Tenten you mut face, you and I both know you were checking her out last band meet, and you even told me her hair buns added to how cute she was, didn't you?"

Kiba's face immediately burned bright red as he covered it with both hands, "Dude- seriously? you're such a dick..."

I couldn't help the grin that immediately spread across my face, this was a group of true friends.

"Anyway- Ino, now that I know you're definitely getting bored of hearing me play, why don't you go over to Sasuke so he can teach you how he manages the special effects and stuff- I'm sure he'd be delighted, right Sas'ke?" the blond's gaze went from me towards the darker male who sat across the room. Sasuke's expression immediately darkened as he aimed a glare towards the tanned blond who ignored it easily sending him a bright grin.

"A-Are you sure he wants me to um... bother him?"

"Nonsense! it'll be a joy to the poor anti-social bastard! go along, he won't bite," suddenly the blonds eyes squinted a bit in concentration, "oh wait... there was that other time he bit my hand because I told him his effects were off a bit... never mind that! If he hurts you I'll bite him myself!"

God, why me? why him!?

I awkwardly nodded as I made my way towards my unfortunate death. If I had known I'd be stuck with the dark lord of the underworld, I would have definitely declined the offer- God I suck at saying no to hot guys. Then again... this Sasuke guy isn't so bad looking either, if he were nicer I might have even been excited to be sitting with him while he taught me stupid effect buttons and I pretend to understand- when I'd be actually checking him out.


God- he just had to immediately shut down any hopes of me crushing on him, what a dick.

"Oh! Of course..." I awkwardly sat down next to him avoiding any physical contact at all. He seemed to be grateful and therefore also avoided any contact at all. I watched as he placed his laptop in front of us and a display of colorful, strange, buttons and texts appeared on the HD screen. The raven seemed to know what he was doing as he swiftly pressed a pattern of unknown button, causing the beat of the music to grow ever-so slightly, making it perfect.

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